Sparkle meaning in hindi
As noun : उलाह Ex: He also said that sparkle are certain things in the world
ओभा Ex: His eyes sparkle contentment चमक Ex: Honouring his birth, in support sparkle उ: इस प्रकार इसमें पूर्ण चमक आ जाती है और इसकी सुंदरता अनुपम हो जाती है। चमका Ex: It means figuratively Who has little elevation, few apparently little sparkle चमकार Ex: It means, by extension, Just a kind of sparkle by making a slight noise चमक्क Ex: It sets the shadow to give more sparkle to her complexion जीवंतता Ex: This diamond throws many fires, a lot of sparkle जोश Ex: Towards that sparkle sublime beauties जोशिश Ex: Who sparkle झलमलताई ठपाक त्विष् दगदगाहट द्विभात परिश्रृत परिस्फुर्ति प्रफुल्लित रहना भास्वत् भ्राजथु भ्राजि मणिमाला रुसनाई रोचिस् विद्युत्कंप
As verb : उत्साह से भरा होना Ex: By analogy, it means Who freshness, sparkle उभासना Ex: Having sparkle ओझकना Ex: He loves sparkle and pump चमकना Ex: It has a bright palette of a painter says is good colorist and, figuratively, of a poet whose style sparkle चमक्कना Ex: Joaillerie spot of matt white on a diamond sparkle from What was the tool of the minor or the lapidary चमच्चना Ex: Reviving a table Making its color sparkle they lost चमाकना Ex: sparkle of what sparks चौँधना Ex: The style of this writer sparkle जलकना Ex: There are stars that sparkle more than other जलजलाना Ex: This case makes shine, makes shine, burst, a lot of sparkle झबकना Ex: , A coat all brand new, a new coat and, because of it, a kind of sparkle झबूकना Ex: , a decorative character, and to set up a meeting sparkle झलहलना टिमकना डमकना तरक्कना दमंकना दुपकना लौँकना विभारना वोपना
Other : आब Ex: A magic sparkle आबोहवा Ex: Action sparkle चिंगारी Ex: The pain, sorrow had extinguished the sparkle of her eyes, the vivacity of his eyes उ: शामियाने में आतशबाज़ी से निकली एक चिंगारी से अचानक आग लग गयी। चिनगारी निकलना Ex: The sparkle of the fixed stars जगमगाना Ex: The white side of black has more sparkle झलक उ: होली के त्योहार में भी इस मंदिर की विशेष झलक देखने को मिलती है। झलकना झिलमिली बुदबुदाना
Sparkle ki paribhasha : kisi vastu ka svayn athava kisi ka prakaash padne ke kaaran khoob chamakana kisi taral padaarth ka aaanch ya garami ke kaaran ubalana
ExamplesUsage of Sparkle in sentences
The word can be used as noun or verb in hindi and have more than one meaning. .
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