Spawn meaning in hindi

How to pronounce Spawn
As noun : अंडसमूह Ex:  Only wall clouds that rotate spawn tornadoes उ:   संसेचित अंडसमूह लसदार पदार्थ में लिपटे रहते हैं।
अंडे देना Ex:  A large number of summer blockbuster films spawn a companion game उतपानना Ex:  The majority of these spawn gametes उपनामा Ex:  Rodin did not spawn a significant, lasting school of followers. उपानना Ex:  If spawn a passage, a passage Opening जन्म देना Ex:  Pisciculture Action spawn जलाण्डक Ex:  This is a man I did spawn point with which I will not spawn पैदा करना Ex:  , Playing elbows, If spawn a passage in a crowd बिड़वना समुत्पादन
As verb : अण्डे देना Ex:  Forty-nine species are known to mass spawn
Other : जलांडक Ex:  These two men do not spawn all बोयाना मछली या मेंढकों के अंडे संतान उ:   वे अपने माता-पिता की चौथी संतान थे।
Spawn ki paribhasha : vah pravaah jo avichchhinn roop se chalata ho
Usage of Spawn in sentences

The word can be used as noun or verb in hindi and have more than one meaning. . 
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