Special meaning in hindi

How to pronounce Special
As noun : अतिरिक्त Ex:  they are having a special on pork chops उ:   इसके अतिरिक्त कोई और खास परिवर्तन नहीं होता।
अनन्यसामान्य Ex:  I asked about their special today अन्यासाधरण Ex:  There is a special reduction on readymade garments. असाधारण Ex:  there is a special cleaner for these surfaces उ:   इनकी दृष्टि भी वस्तुओं को असाधारण रीति से ग्रहण करती थी। आढ्य Ex:  the new hires need special training इसपेशल Ex:  A robot is a special machine. उत्क्रिष्ट Ex:  She wears crocheted dress on special occasions. उशीरक Ex:  Generally people go to shimla for a special sport,ski-run. ऐडिशनल Ex:  Statecraft is also the special art ,not gifted to all. कल्हरा Ex:  Officers on special duties are given special privileges. खस Ex:  The speaker recalled the members of Parliament for a special debate. उ:   खस साहित्य के आदिकवि भानुभक्त आचार्य है। खास कार्यक्रम Ex:  Vijay is a special guest in this party. खुसूसी Ex:  Ted slaved over his special dessert for hours . गैरमामूली Ex:  Lela is of special note जनतिग Ex:  This special feature of the front paws जलवास Ex:  It is best described as a philosophy with special rituals and beliefs. दाहहर, दाहहरण Ex:  Soon after publishing his theory of special relativity in 1905 दूरपात Ex:  White, & Blue" on a patriotic special it was producing. नकशमार Ex:  The most recent special edition versions of The Shining नवग्रह Ex:  Also included on special teams are the returners. उ:   वैदिक ज्योतिष के अनुसार राहु को नवग्रह में एक स्थान दिया गया है। नवज्वर Ex:  Irving Berlin played a special piano called the transposing piano पनकौवा Ex:  With the coming of special relativity पाणिग्रहण Ex:  A special committee was created उ:   .......राक्षस विधि से वीरता का मूल्य देकर मेरा पाणिग्रहण कीजिये। पादशोथ Ex:  These special resting places पावरहौस Ex:  30 such gods were honored with special festivals. पिंडखजुर Ex:  According to the special theory of relativity पितृतर्पण Ex:  During CNN's New Year's Eve special पित्तहर Ex:  Philbin hosted FOX's New Year's Eve Live special with Jillian Barberie पिष्टपेषणन्याय Ex:  The major cities have a special status as "commune urbaine" पीलो Ex:  A special hardcover edition was produced by Graphitti Designs in 1987 पृथगात्मा Ex:  Indonesia consists of 33 provinces, five of which have special status. पेँहटुल Ex:  Furthermore there are special attractions like live-bands पेन्स Ex:  Major modes also provide special editing commands प्याजो Ex:  Others use special keyboards such as Kinesis's Contoured Keyboard प्रक्लिन्नवर्त्म Ex:  "Matthew records a special connection between God the Father and Jesus the Son प्रगुण्य Ex:  The Walt Disney Studio produced its first TV special प्रासुक Ex:  Sub-regions like Iceland, Britain and Ireland are special cases. फललक्षणा Ex:  According to special relativity फुजला Ex:  Before the advent of special relativity बलापंचक Ex:  Some types of dried tofu are preseasoned with special blends of spices बाजु Ex:  Sometimes a special part of the mosque was railed off for women बिछुआपु Ex:  Elmo starred in a Christmas special that year बिडालपद, बिडालपदक Ex:  CinderElmo was a FOX special बिसीष Ex:  Holiday special Christmas Eve on Sesame Street won an Emmy Award महत्त्वपूर्ण Ex:  According to the geometric interpretation of special relativity उ:   ‘ताल’ में ‘खाली’ 'भरी' दो महत्त्वपूर्ण शब्द हैं। मृणाल Ex:  Scooby-Doo was created on-screen by computer-generated special effects. उ:   विरुद्ध' मृणाल पाण्डे का प्रथम उपन्यास है। यवक्षार Ex:  In the geometry of special relativity योगदर्शन Ex:  These points are normally used only for special purposes योगनंद Ex:  The one-hour special shows the struggles and triumphs of how McDaniel योगमाया Ex:  In Minoan Crete, the labrys had a special meaning. योगसमाधि Ex:  "hade" is followed by a special form योगसूत्र Ex:  Augustine countered that God had chosen the Jews as a special people उ:   इनमें से योगसूत्र उनकी महानतम रचना है जो योगदर्शन का मूलग्रन्थ है। रक्तचंदन Ex:  The Bangkok special administrative area covers रक्तप्रदर Ex:  Bangkok is one of two special administrative areas in Thailand रखौंड़ी Ex:  A Licensed Professional Counselor generally has special training in career रणप्रिय Ex:  The number of members for a special committee varies रथमहोत्सव Ex:  The special biodiversity of the area is recognised by the Egyptian government रमणाक Ex:  Despite its name, the Diplomatic Quarter offers no special privileges. रविकांतमणी Ex:  Some 747 aircraft have been converted for special uses. रविसंक्राति Ex:  There are also special maneuvers रसतन्मात्रा Ex:  Also a special meal: Düsseldorfer Senfrostbraten . रसधातु Ex:  Chess games and positions are recorded using a special notation राजपलांड़ु Ex:  In the special relativistic model राजविद्रोह Ex:  A Christmas special co-starring Kylie Minogue aired in December 2007 राजस्थली Ex:  Billie Piper recorded a special video introduction. रादजक्ष्मा Ex:  Each Djinni has its own special ability which can be invoked during combat. रामटेक Ex:  The former city of Tokyo is further divided into twenty-three special wards उ:   रामटेक से दो मील दूर रामसागर तथा अम्बासागर नामक दो पवित्र सरोवर हैं। रामबान Ex:  It is, however, used in some other situations with special precautions. राशिभोग Ex:  Jerry Siegel was drafted into the army in a special celebration राष्ट्रकूट Ex:  The Medal of Honor confers special privileges on its recipients उ:   कई राष्ट्रकूट राजा अध्ययन और कला के प्रति समर्पित थे। लघुदती Ex:  Einstein's theories of special and general relativity लबाचा Ex:  He paid special attention to transportation. लाकसीमातिवर्ती Ex:  More than half the Jewish children attended special Jewish schools. लाल हलायची Ex:  "Nelson Mandela sent a special message for the film's opening. लालकीन Ex:  Although there are descriptions of dining etiquette on special occasions लालमुनी Ex:  They also had special soap for shaving. लोकातिग Ex:  Recently Indian Railways introduced the special 'Container Rajdhani' or CONRAJ लोमशमार्जार Ex:  Snowfalls are so rare that they are remembered as special events. वंशपुष्पा Ex:  Barcelona is subject to a special law articulated through the Carta Municipal . वजीहा Ex:  With special Scout atmosphere वरशीत Ex:  No special terms exist for the rest of one's spouse's family. वरिहिष्ठ Ex:  It is further subdivided into 550 woredas and six special woredas. वर्षीयस् Ex:  France and Switzerland all plan to issue special stamps in commemoration. वसंतकुसुम Ex:  The law allows for the flag to be used for special occasions वस्तूत्प्रेक्षा Ex:  Mother's Day became a special holiday for Elvis' fans". वाइकौंट Ex:  The Finance Bills and the financing law of social security are special bills वातकुंडली Ex:   The 3 main cities, Paris, Lyon and Marseille have a special statute. वारितर Ex:  Their congressional seats are then filled by special elections. विज्ञानकोश Ex:  Religious clothing might be considered a special case of occupational clothing. वितानमूल Ex:  Vaupés and Vichada there special administrative definitions for territories वितानमूलक Ex:  Relatives of Ladies Companion are not, however, assigned any special positions. विदला Ex:  By using a series of special muscles विपाट् Ex:  Howard ordered the ship be boarded by Australian special forces. विपाशा Ex:  279 smaller raion-class cities, and two special legal status cities. विलायती अनन्नास Ex:  Slayton had warned Armstrong that they would receive a special communication विशिष्ट व्यक्ति Ex:  Minsk is given a special status विशिष्ट Ex:  There was nothing special in the Russian conditions which affected the outcome. उ:   जिसकी अपनी विशिष्ट विशेषताएँ हैं। विशेष उद्देश्य से बना हुआ Ex:  Led Zeppelin and Cream - and his special favourites विशेष गाड़ी Ex:  It includes non-ATP tournaments such as special विशेष तार Ex:  The flag has a special headband विशेष बस Ex:  Sparta had a special type of slaves called helots. विशेष वस्तु Ex:  For a special post-election edition of Newsweek in November 1984 विशेष विभाग Ex:  Many species have developed special Faroese sub-species: Eider विशेष सामान Ex:  Other examples of Lie groups include special groups of matrices विशेष Ex:  Henan Province has been widely recognized for its special elegant qualities. उ:   जिस का इस क्षेत्र में विशेष महत्व है। विशेषांक Ex:  Germany has a special approach to contracts, which ties into property law. उ:   प्रतिवर्ष जनवरी माह में इसका विशेषांक निकलता है। विशेस ‡ Ex:  Einstein formulated his ideas in his special theory of relativity विश्वरथ Ex:  On his Behind the Music special विषविधि Ex:  Lyrical arrangements are often given special attention, such as in "Lateralus". विष्णुगुप्त Ex:  19,211 in high school, 9,429 in college and a further 340 in special schools. विसर्पिणी Ex:  The city of Jerusalem enjoys a special place in the hearts of Jews विसेस Ex:  A special variant of a military airfield is the aircraft carrier. वीरतर Ex:  The government placed special emphasis on cultural activities वीरनायक Ex:  Due to the special circumstances required for preservation of living beings वीरभद्रक Ex:  Other organisms may need to be identified by their growth in special media वृंहणवस्ति Ex:  Perhaps due to the costs of casting special type for rongorongo वेणीग Ex:  The national capital, Conakry, ranks as a special zone. वेणीमूल Ex:  There are also certain county and special district taxes that may apply. वेणीमूलक Ex:  Some weapons are designed for special purposes वेदांतसूत्र Ex:  No special prorogation ceremony, however, needs to be observed. व्यवच्छिन्न Ex:  Seats vacated during a term are filled through special elections व्याघ्राट Ex:  He demanded special treatment शंकव Ex:  Apart from being closed for motor traffic, not many special regulations apply. शंखपाल Ex:  Of special importance were Tennessee शंतनुसुत Ex:  15,000 special sheets of paper were made शंभुमनु Ex:  He made a special study of chlorine शणघंटा, शणघंटिका Ex:  Each MEU is rated as capable of performing special operations. शततारका, शततारा Ex:  Only one additional special शफतालु Ex:  Following a third special शब्दपाती Ex:  The TransJakarta service operates on a special bus-line called the busway. शब्दप्रमाण Ex:  Because of high ratings for the Unplugged television special शरहमुअय्यन, शरहमुऐयन Ex:  Depending on the special local interactions of the vectors and their hosts शाक्तमत Ex:  Williams had a special line at Puma and has a current one at Nike. शातवाहन Ex:  A special solution called Oral Rehydration Solution शिंगरफ Ex:  UNICEF's special representative to Darfur शितिमूलक Ex:  They had a special building and all the kids went there . शिलादित्य Ex:  That was a special sign for him that winter was coming . शीतमूलक Ex:  It was meant to be something special just between them . शीर्णांघ्रि Ex:  A person charged with a commission for some special शुभ्रपुष्प Ex:  A privileged genius, a special talent शुष्कव्रण Ex:  A special शोण Ex:  A special story श्येनघंटा Ex:  According to Malebranche, there is no place in nature for special wishes श्राणा Ex:  Alpine Hunters, special infantry corps for the defense of the Alps and, by extension, the mountains that form border षट्रस Ex:  And he said to the individuals forming a set of special category a country षड्ग्रंथ Ex:  Apart from this meaning, it employs more than a few special phrases षष्टिलता Ex:  Art to help the memory by special methods षाड्गुण्य Ex:  artificial method, one that is established only after some special characters and agreed षोड़शपूजन Ex:  be a profession, be attached to a company which was therefore special knowledge सँधव Ex:  Business special and Private संगसुरमा Ex:  By extension, it is said of him that enjoys special protection संदेपन Ex:  campaign Wear, Apparel special troops going to war or maneuvers संसत्, संसद् Ex:  Character of what is special सजीवनबूटी Ex:  CLEAN is still used as a male name and is called the special quality that denotes a subject and which distinguishes it from all other सजीवनसूर, सजीवनमूल Ex:  Clean saints, Series special services for different holidays सत्वगुण Ex:  Commissioning siege, which places a Declaration country or city, in an emergency under a special regime deemed necessary to protect public safety or सनट्टा Ex:  didactic special disease to pigs सभिप्राय Ex:  DOOR was said, in a special sense, to refer to the Court of the Emperor of the Turks समगंधिक Ex:  Exempting the ordinary rule, by special favor, or simply something Exempt समासवान् Ex:  Forces also said in the plural when it comes Ensemble Contest or several special energies सलिलक्रिया Ex:  Forcing is achieved mainly by heat or by special fertilizers सहजशत्रु Ex:  General map, a map of the whole country as opposed to Those who represent only certain portions and special cards called सांधग Ex:  He also said a special form of iron which is adjusted at the foot of mules सालवाहन Ex:  He also said special Opinions more or less received, among the ecclesiastical writers सालौगुग्गुल Ex:  He has a special talent, special साष्टांग योग Ex:  He has told me the most special circumstances सिंजालपारी Ex:  He named his general and special prosecutor सिंहलद्वीप Ex:  He said specifically, in terms of case law, the appointment of a special thing regarding Mortgages सिरीराग Ex:  His business experience gives special authority to his predictions सींका Ex:  hissing consonants, consonants are pronounced that with a special whistle, like English or German SH SCH सीमोल्लंघन Ex:  I make a special case सुखंकरी Ex:  In a special way सुखालुका Ex:  In a special way, which means a person, thing Particular सुगुप्ता Ex:  In terms of grammar, it means the Action group, uniting by special conjunctions, terms similar or proposals whose value is identical or logically only as सुतजीवक Ex:  In terms of grammar, the feminine names, or simply female names, names which, by a special terminal or through their particular form designate beings female सुतर्कारी Ex:  In terms of Greek Grammar, he said in a Form special language in Attic dialect सुतश्रेणी Ex:  In terms of Stationery, he also said, by affixing a paper that has the same size in all directions and a special paper used for printing Format सुतैला Ex:  In terms of the Catholic Liturgy, Clean time, special services set for different times of the year सुत्रधार Ex:  In the plural, Peoples is sometimes said of Inhabitants of a state comprised of various provinces, many of which were collected by conquest or otherwise, and are governed by laws, special customs सुधामोदक Ex:  It also appears in special towers, either as subject or as a complement सुनिर्यासा Ex:  It also means a special way सुरभिदारुक Ex:  It also means one special way सुरभिपत्रा Ex:  It also means Separate clearly one thing to another for what it has to clean, special सूत्रपिटक Ex:  It also means that does nothing for the reason for his special interest सूनादोष Ex:  It also refers to the meeting, all those who belong to certain special weapons सूर्यसंक्रमण Ex:  It also said a special agreement by which it is guaranteed against certain risks his person or his property, or which in certain conditions, it assures itself or other payment of an agreed sum सूर्यसंक्रांति Ex:  It also said the Celebration who are in special assemblies सोडहमस्मि Ex:  It also said the Presentation in which reports on a job, a special examination by a committee, by a commission सोमरस Ex:  It also said the special Coiffure certain body of troops beret Alpine Hunter and, by extension, any hairstyle the same as उ:   हे पुरोहितों! यम के लिए सोमरस निकालो, यम को आहुति दो। सोरसती ‡ Ex:  It also said the special virtue of plants, minerals and other natural objects, and special features that distinguish one thing from another with सौरसेनी Ex:  It also says in a special sense of clothing and badges that distinguish persons constituted in dignity or charged with any public service स्थगर Ex:  It also says the notation of music by means of special signs and sheets, booklets or books where it is written स्थलपद्म Ex:  It designates by extension the special cabinet for the classification of these sheets स्मृतिशास्त्र Ex:  It did, on this matter, special studies स्वरसप्तक Ex:  It has a special home स्वरहा Ex:  It has the special meaning by extension Filled, covered in स्वर्णपुष्पा Ex:  It is also used in some special tricks, either as subject or as a complement स्वर्णभूमिका Ex:  It is often accompanied by an adjective that indicates the particular point of view from which we consider this science, reminiscent of the science or more larger or more special she uses data स्वर्णमाक्षिक Ex:  It is often said in special meaning, of the event, the case of the species in question, and mainly used in discussions, disputes the plaidories स्वर्णली Ex:  It is old and does not stated in some special expressions स्वर्णालु Ex:  It is said in some games, Chips or special devices that are used to mark the points and we win parts स्वल्पव्यक्ति तंत्र Ex:  It is said that more in special cases स्वामिकार्तिक Ex:  It is sometimes said, in a special sense of Refrigeration, when it chapping lips हजारदास्ताँ Ex:  It means, by analogy, put under the special protection of a saint हड़गीला Ex:  It means, figuratively and familiarly, Enclosing in a job, in a special award हरिनहर्रा Ex:  It now says common law judges, unlike judges established by special laws हरिनाकुस ‡ Ex:  It refers in a special sense Some local rights that are being established by the use and by the common practice of a city or a province, or region, it shall serve and have legal force हरिपर्ण Ex:  It said the special Cry bat हरीछाल केला Ex:  It was on this special knowledge हस्तजोड़ी Ex:  light and fast vessel which has the special mission to torpedo हस्तज्योडी Ex:  Menus pleasures name that we gave certain expenses of the king, which were settled by a special administration and which were intended ceremonies, festivals, performances of the court, etc हस्तिकरंज Ex:  Military Justice, one that is exercised among the troops, according to special laws calling military code हस्तिपर्णी Ex:  Music Ensemble Organ sets corresponding to a special keyboard which, in ancient instruments, is usually placed cantilevered in the back of the organist हस्तिशुंडी Ex:  Nature has distinguished the different beings by special characters हिंगुनाडिका Ex:  Phrase ready made, Way special mention is established by use हिंदु Ex:  PRACTICES, plural, said he was in a special sense of some exercises, certain external acts relating to the worship उ:   लेकिन इसकी पहचान हिंदु तीर्थस्थान के रूप में की जाती है। हिजली बदाम Ex:  PREFERENCES, plural, is said of some affection or more special honor that gives someone हिमज्वर Ex:  prefixes indicating the action to double and with which many new words were formed, especially in the special language of the natural sciences हुलक्का Ex:  privileged debt, Celle for which the creditor has a special privilege हेत्वपह्नुति Ex:  Proper of some dioceses, special services series for certain places होलनाल Ex:  PROPERLY also means a special way, particularly
Other : असाधारण या ख़ास Ex:  Last night I enjoyed some special dishes in a marriage party. असामान्य Ex:  Nominative is the special form of a noun in sanskrit. उ:   इनमें से यदि एक भी असामान्य है, तो आगे की जांच जारी रह सकती है। आत्मीय Ex:  It is a special bus that seats 100 people. ख़ास Ex:  This year special ballot boxes were made to keep the ballots. उ:   विक्टोरियन काल' बड़ा ही ख़ास समय माना जाता था। खास Ex:  He is the countrys best scientist and also special adviser to the president. उ:   वह केरल का एक खास तीर्थ है। विशिष्‍ट वर्ग Ex:  These special reference frames are called inertial frames. विशेष प्राभिकर्ता Ex:  Such committees are known as special committees. विशेष रेखण Ex:  Freed brought the music to special programs on several local stations स्पेशल Ex:  It did a study special Latin, history, geometry, architecture उ:   यहां की स्पेशल थाली भी बहुत प्रसिद्ध है।
Special ki paribhasha : upayog men laaya hua gaadhe kapade ki vah thaili jisamen shakkar bharakar boro men bhari jaati hai jisaka doosara daavedaar na ho gaaandr naamak ghaas ki prasiddh sungndhit jad vah jo saadhaaran ke atirikt aur usase adhik ho patr patrikaaon ka vah ank jo kisi parv aadi vishisht avasara, vyakti, ghatanaa, vastu ya vishay aadi ke poorn vivechan aur jaanakaari ke saath tatsnbndhi kisi vishisht avasar par prakaashit ho vishnu ka ek naam
Usage of Special in sentences

The word can be used as noun or adjective in hindi and have more than one meaning. . 
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