Spectrum meaning in hindi

How to pronounce Spectrum
As noun : ऊर्मि, ऊर्मी Ex:  Commercial use of spread spectrum begin in the 1980s.
घृणि Ex:  Tourette's is defined as part of a spectrum of tic disorders जलकरंक Ex:  On the other end of the spectrum जललता Ex:  Pulses are emitted at wavelengths across the electromagnetic spectrum तरंग Ex:  It is most often advocated by those to the left of the political spectrum उ:   तरंग दैर्घ्य किसी तरंग की विशिष्टता है। बलकनि Ex:  Fraunhofer discovered about 600 bands in the spectrum of the Sun in 1814-15 बीचि Ex:  Some parts of the spectrum can be observed from the Earth's surface मौज Ex:  Waves of the electromagnetic spectrum vary in size उ:   फाइनमेन जीवन्त थे और अक्सर मौज मस्ती के लिये काम करते थे। वर्णक्रम Ex:  This idea refers to an anxiety/depression spectrum for these two disorders उ:   वैसे वर्णक्रम को अनन्त ही कहते हैं। विचि Ex:  On the political spectrum of Marxism विस्तृत श्रेणी Ex:  In terms of physics, stripes spectrum, Lines more or less black, more or less bright, the light spectrum स्पेक्ट्रम Ex:  Solar spectrum उ:   आपने देखा कि हर एक स्पेक्ट्रम में अन्तर पड़ता है। हलोरा Ex:  Spectral Analysis, Analysis of that fact a substance by examining the lines in the spectrum it gives हिलूर Ex:  The spectrum who had appeared to him, who appeared to him हिल्लूरी
Other : किरणपुंज Ex:  At the other end of the speed spectrum परछाई Ex:  Instead of a "left–right" spectrum प्रतिबिम्ब Ex:  Russia, Scandinavia and Latin America widened the spectrum in the 19th century. उ:   यह चन्देल राजपूतों के विशाल दृष्टिकोण के प्रतिबिम्ब हैं। मानावली Ex:  On the other end of the spectrum मूर्तिकला Ex:  Since rainbows are composed of a nearly continuous spectrum उ:   यह अद्भुत उदाहरण हैं मूर्तिकला के। रंगावलि Ex:  Although the entire clinical spectrum of CF was not recognized until the 1930s रूप जो आंख बंद करने या फेरने के पीछे दिखाई पडे Ex:  On the other end of the spectrum
Spectrum ki paribhasha : prakaash ke maarg men padnevaale kisi pind ka aakaar jo prakaash se bhinn disha ki or chhaaya ya andhakaar ke roop men padta hai jaati ya rngon ka kram paani ki vah uchhaal jo hava lagane ke kaaran hoti hai
Usage of Spectrum in sentences

The word can be used as noun in hindi and have more than one meaning. . 
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