Sphinx meaning in hindi

How to pronounce Sphinx
As noun : नरसिंही मूर्ति Ex:  A marble sphinx
नारसिंह मूर्ति Ex:  It represents the sphinx lying prone The front legs extended and head straight रहस्यमय व्यक्ति Ex:  It says figuratively an enigmatic person, in allusion to the sphinx of the legend of Oedipus, who proposed puzzles passersby स्फ़िंक्स Ex:  Man who easily found the word puzzles or solving obscure questions by referring to the character of antiquity who resolved the enigmas posed by the sphinx
Other : जमुहाँ Ex:  Le sphinx des glaces. स्फिन्क्स
Usage of Sphinx in sentences

The word can be used as noun in hindi and have more than one meaning. 
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