Spicy meaning in hindi

How to pronounce Spicy
As noun : मसालेदार Ex:  He likes neither salty nor spicy उ:   यह अपने मसालेदार व्यंजन के लिए भी जाना जाता है।
As adjective :
आदीपक Ex:  Wow, this spicy food really packs a wallop . उत्तेजक Ex:  Pepper gets its spicy heat mostly from the piperine compound मुहर्रिक Ex:  It means figuratively Who has no approval, which is not touching, spicy रोचक Ex:  It usually means word of mockery, mockery spicy उ:   इस फ़िल्म से जुडे़ कई रोचक पहलू हैं। संधुक्षण Ex:  Joke fine, spicy समादापक Ex:  Kind Botanical plants from almost all warm countries of Asia, roughly similar to our reeds, and equipped in general with a spicy and aromatic flavor
Other : गमकीला Ex:  Flax seed sprouts are edible, with a slightly spicy flavour. चटपटा Ex:  A spicy brunette चरपरा Ex:  By extension, spicy cuisine तीखा Ex:  Cooking Rice cooked with pieces of meat, poultry or fish and spicy मजेदार Ex:  From spicy mustard उ:   यह रोमांचक गेम खेलने में जितना मजेदार है, उतना देखने में भी।
Spicy ki paribhasha : jisaka svaad bahut tej ya charapara ho jisamen aannd aata ho vegon ko tivr karanevaala ek prakaar ki grnthiparni jise naipaal men bhandeur kahate hain jisamen kisi prakaar ka masaala laga ya mila ho
Usage of Spicy in sentences

The word can be used as noun or adjective in hindi and have more than one meaning. . 
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