Spoken meaning in hindi

How to pronounce Spoken
As verb : बोला जाने वाला Ex:  Japanese is also occasionally spoken in some areas of Marshall Islands.
Other :
उक्त Ex:  Kikongo is being spoken in Angola. उ:   उक्त सम्मान वापस लिये जाने का यह एकमेव उदाहरण है। उच्चरित Ex:  The language spoken by the people of Thailand is called Siamese. उच्चारित Ex:  Balochi is being spoken in Pakistan and in Afghanistan. उ:   गुरमुखी में कुछ प्राचीन शब्दों की अंतिम मात्राएँ उच्चारित नहीं होती। बोला हुआ Ex:  The most spoken dialects are Mandarin , Wu , Yue , Min, Xiang, Gan, and Hakka. भाषित Ex:  Italian and English are widely spoken and understood.
Usage of Spoken in sentences

The word can be used as noun, verb or adjective in hindi and have more than one meaning. 
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