Spouse meaning in hindi
As noun : अनुवर्तिनी Ex: he is her spouse
अरधांगी Ex: I love my spouse since i married her/him. अर्द्धागिनी Ex: she is his spouse अह्लखाना Ex: Cousin, nephew by marriage, says an affinity between a spouse and parents of the other spouse अह्लिया Ex: In terms of jurisprudence, it specifically says the share of profits accruing to the community each spouse ईशी Ex: It also said the Advantage stipulated by marriage contract, in favor of the surviving spouse उद्वोढा Ex: It is sometimes said in the singular of a spouse between which there are community कडन्न Ex: Marriage is dissolved by the death of one spouse करग्राह Ex: Mixed Marriage Religious marriage where only one spouse is Catholic खाविद Ex: One spouse गेहिनी Ex: own debt, debt which one spouse is required on his personal property घरदासी Ex: REPEATEDLY plural, says in terms of Jurisprudence, of What each spouse is entitled, by himself or his representatives to take before sharing, the mass of community property, when dissolved घरह Ex: The marriage was entered in good faith by either spouse चरणदासी Ex: The surviving spouse जीवनसाथी Ex: The surviving spouse उ: अपने जीवनसाथी के प्रति वफादार रहें। जीवितनाथ ढीँगर त्रिणीता धर्मकील धर्मचारिणी नर्मकील पतनी उ: उसकी पतनी का नाम के बारे में कोइ भी जानकारी नहीं है। पति या पत्नी पति उ: मैं उन मृगियों का पति हूँ। पत्नी उ: उनकी पत्नी को क्षय रोग था। परिगृहीता पाणिगृहीता पाणिग्रहीता पाणिग्राह पाणिग्राहक पाणिप्रणयिनी पियड़ा प्रणयिनो प्राणकांत प्राणदयित प्राणनाथ प्राणपति प्राणप्यारा प्राणप्रिय प्राणवल्लभ प्राणसंगिनी प्राणसम प्राणाधिनाथ प्राणेशा प्राणेश्वरी प्रेमपुत्तलिका प्रेयस् बऊ बसही बालभु ब्य़ाहता भद्रकांत भ्रत्तार मर्दुआ मर्मकील मेहर मेहरी रतगुरु रतिबंधु रमणा वशिनी वामांगिनी, वामांगी वीँद वोढा श्वशुर श्वश्रु श्वसुर्य सध्रीच समाप्ताल सहधर्मचरिणी सहधर्मचरी सहधर्मचारी सहधर्मिणी उ: उनकी सहधर्मिणी राज अभी जीवित हैं। साईँ साधुधी सामि साश्रुधी सिरताज सुखोत्सव सैँणर सैयाँ ‡ स्त्रीपिशाची हमख्वाबा हृदयेशा
Other : पति पत्नी
Spouse ki paribhasha : vah stri jisake saath kisi purush ka shaastraanusaari riti se vivaah hua ho stri vishesh ka vivaahit purush
ExamplesUsage of Spouse in sentences
The word can be used as noun in hindi and have more than one meaning. .
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