Spread meaning in hindi
As noun : अतिप्रसंग Ex: Oceania, also called oceanica, is the area of islands spread over the tropical region of the Pacific Ocean.
अतिवाहन Ex: He spread the shavings everywhere on the floor. अतिसर्ग Ex: she exercised to avoid that middle-aged spread आज्ञादान Ex: Weeds spread in the garden. इठाना Ex: It was late night and he spread his futon to go to sleep. इषणि Ex: Stilton tastes very good when spread on pizza. ईरण Ex: When I opened the window, sunlight spread all over my room. उरुता Ex: Fragrance of jasmine flowers spread all over. उरुव्या Ex: A ripple of excitement spread through the crowd . उरेहनापु Ex: Dusk spread its final shadows over the land . उस्रा Ex: Donna spread the paint on with a roller . काश्मकराष्ट्रक Ex: We spread fertilizer over the prepared ground . किरिका Ex: He spread the work over a few weeks . कुर्ब्बि Ex: Fearful of its spread कोँपना Ex: Consequently, Damien's name was spread across the United States and Europe. कोलना Ex: Martin’s return spread among us! गुलचानापु Ex: Erie's population was spread evenly among all age groups घेवरनापु Ex: Fires and riots spread छिबना Ex: From there Buddhism spread to Korea झोखना Ex: The news was spread quickly across the land. डेना Ex: The Revolution of 1905 initiated here and spread rapidly into the provinces. दावत Ex: Over thousands of years they eventually spread across the whole landmass. उ: यह भारत के लिए एक विज़ूअल दृश्यों की दावत है। दीधना Ex: Disease was spread through a contaminated water supply. देना Ex: Iranian influence spread to the Ottoman Empire उ: आप जब थक जायें तब आपको व्यायाम करना बन्द कर देना चाहिये। पझर Ex: The San Francisco Bay Area has seven major league teams spread in three cities परिनिर्वपण Ex: The disease spread rapidly परिवाँन Ex: It has since spread to many other countries. प्रकार Ex: It is believed the majority starved when the tumours spread to their mouths उ: 'आँसू' में भी इस प्रकार की चेतना मिलती है। प्रणोद Ex: The short-lived television series Max Headroom also spread cyberpunk tropes प्रतित Ex: In this way Catholicism spread among the Germanic peoples प्रतिस्फलन Ex: These discoveries rapidly spread around the world प्रसंजन Ex: The script was spread by the Phoenicians प्रसार Ex: 2 September, and spread rapidly. उ: इसका प्रसार प्रमुख रूप से शंकराचार्य ने किया। प्रेषना Ex: Western culture spread from Europe most strongly to Australia प्रैष Ex: Theravāda Buddhism spread throughout Southeast Asia फराल Ex: In 1854, a disease spread through the cattle of the Xhosa. फैल जाना Ex: As the Báb's teachings spread फैला हुआ क्षेट्र Ex: Minsk spread beyond its historical boundaries. फैला हुआ होना Ex: Large-scale strikes in both industry and agriculture spread throughout Finland बखसीसना ‡ Ex: These have all spread to other parts of Thailand बगारो Ex: This period marks the first known spread of Buddhism beyond India. बिथार Ex: With the spread of Western Christianity during the Middle Ages बिद्धि Ex: The interviews are usually spread over five days. बिस्थार Ex: Christianity spread to the Americas बिहतार Ex: The location of the early University was thus spread throughout the city भेजना Ex: The current eighteen races are spread over the continents of Europe मुकलना Ex: This spread to neighboring regions मुक्काना Ex: These new rules quickly spread throughout western Europe मेजबानी Ex: There are disadvantages to colonial life, particularly the spread of disease. उ: नॉर्वे ने दो अवसरों पर खेलों की मेजबानी की है। मोकलना Ex: These operations later spread to Holland in the 14th century लगना Ex: Precipitation is generally spread throughout the year लगाना Ex: The aurochs was originally spread throughout Europe उ: सप्ताह में कम से कम दो बार अरण्डी का तेल बालों में अवश्य लगाना चाहिए। लिप्ति Ex: Railways then soon spread throughout the United Kingdom and the world लेप Ex: The expansion of the Roman Empire spread Latin throughout Europe उ: उसके लेप से आकर्षक चित्र बनाए जाते हैं। लेवड़ा ‡ Ex: The language was spread by arriving Roman soldiers वजाहत Ex: From England it gradually spread throughout Europe वरिमा Ex: Culture spread throughout the island विग्यापन Ex: Finally it spread to north-western Russia in 1351 विवृति Ex: After the spread of Islam in the region विष्टब्धि Ex: The ideas of the Solidarity movement spread rapidly throughout Poland विस्तार Ex: As news of the massive rebellion spread उ: औद्योगिक एवं व्यापारिक निगमों का विस्तार हुआ। विस्तीर्णता Ex: Buddhist art followed believers as the dharma spread वौकाना Ex: These cells may spread from the prostate to other parts of the body व्रतति Ex: Gregorian chant spread north to Scandinavia, Iceland and Finland. संपीड़ Ex: The Ku Klux Klan soon spread into nearly every southern state संप्रतिपादन Ex: The army grew in size as Napoleon's might spread across Europe. संप्रैष Ex: The unrest spread to the port town of Kronstadt संस्त्याय Ex: Alphabets of the Southern group spread into Southeast Asia सन्निवेश Ex: Byzantine forms were spread by trade and conquest to Italy and Sicily समुत्सर्ग Ex: Byzantine forms spread to eastern European centers, particularly Russia. समुपचार Ex: The war spread from Europe to North America and to India सम्मूर्छन Ex: Though Ayyavazhi followers are spread across India साँपधरन Ex: Ayyavazhi was spread on the basis of his teachings. साति Ex: Zoroastrianism spread in the Caucasus and Atropatene. सोहरना Ex: Goethe's influence spread across Europe हात पैर पसारना Ex: The Faroese population is spread across most of the country हाथ पैर पसारना Ex: After its invention and spread throughout Texas फैलना
As verb : उपकिरण Ex: bigotry is a virus that must not be allowed to spread चियारना Ex: The echoes of the victory in Warsaw spread across the country. चौडा़ना Ex: Bactria, Parthia and Sogdia from where it spread to China. छुरण Ex: Sriviijaya spread Buddhist art during its expansion in Southeast Asia. धुजाना Ex: Insulin production and therapy rapidly spread around the world पिस्तरना Ex: Go had spread throughout the German and Austro-Hungarian empires. प्रचारान Ex: From Ethiopia, coffee spread to Egypt and Yemen. फरालन ‡ Ex: It was believed to have spread from cattle owned by the Settlers. फैलाना Ex: The effect of rural flight has not been spread evenly through South Dakota बिटालना Ex: The Latin alphabet spread बिस्तरना Ex: Catholicism spread among the Germanic peoples विकीरन Ex: Looting of these lost ships also helped spread the disease. विप्रसारण Ex: As it spread to western Europe विवार Ex: Ebola has never spread on such a large scale. संप्रसारण Ex: Rain days are spread fairly evenly throughout the year समुन्मीलन Ex: His ideas spread chiefly through those he influenced
Other : उपलेप Ex: AIDS is spread due to adulteresses. उपलेपन Ex: She uncurled the sheet to spread on the bed. कीम Ex: Rastafarian music has spread to the island in more recent years चौड़ाई Ex: In the 1890s Finnish nationalism based on the Kalevala spread उ: इसकी चौड़ाई लगभग १२५ किमी है। प्रचार Ex: This second period corresponds to the spread of the Black Death in Europe उ: सारे देश में धर्म का प्रचार किया। प्रचारित करना Ex: When Christianity spread throughout the West प्रसार करना Ex: French troops were spread all across its empire प्रसिद्ध करना Ex: If all of the land on Earth were spread evenly फैला Ex: The First Nations population spread throughout the region उ: यह परिसर करीब २३२४ एकड़ क्षेत्र में फैला हुआ है। फैलाव Ex: Quakerism has spread to other countries बडाना Ex: Mahayana would spread from India to Southeast Asia बढना Ex: Bangkok's poorest districts are spread throughout the city. बिछाना Ex: After the news of Klushino spread बड़ाना Ex: Word of the Gold Rush spread slowly at first. विस्तारित Ex: Smashed glass bottles were spread around the front of the wagons. उ: व्यापार गुटों में विस्तारित करने पर सहमत हो गए। विस्फारित Ex: From there Buddhism spread to Korea व्याप्त Ex: If the cancer has spread beyond the prostate उ: पूरे जर्मनी में कई तरह के कानून व्याप्त थे।
Spread ki paribhasha : kisi vastu ko usaki poori lnbaayi ya chaudai tak badhaakar le jaana kisi vastu ke mile ya jude hue bhaagon ko ek doosare se is prakaar alag karana ki usake andar ya usake paar takaanaa, jaanaa, tatolanaa, dekhana aadi ho sake kisi vastu ka nirntar vyavahaar ya upayog kautily arthashaastraanusaar yuddh ke samay vah sahaayata jo jngal aadi padne se praapt ho jaay kisi vastu ya vyakti ko ek sthaan se doosare sthaan ke liye ravaana karana kisi vastu par se apana svatv hataakar usapar doosare ka svatv sthaapit karana lakadi, patthar aadi ko bich se khodakar pola ya khaali karana ek padaarth ke tal ke saath doosare padaarth ka tal milana gili ya paani aadi ke saath mili hui vastu jisaki tah kisi vastuo ke oopar phailaakar chadhaayi jaay lagaataar sthaan ghiravaana
ExamplesUsage of Spread in sentences
The word can be used as noun or verb in hindi and have more than one meaning. .
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