Spree meaning in hindi

How to pronounce Spree
As noun : गतिविधि Ex:  Upon learning the details of Berti's sadistic murder spree उ:   यह मानव गतिविधि के कारण हो सकता है।
फ़िजूलखर्च करना Ex:  Dispelling his fortune by spending spree
Other : मौ Ex:  He has spent more, it cost more that it's big, is said of someone who has done much spending spree that cost much to his parents, his family, etc उ:   मौ तहसील में होती है। मौज मस्ती का दौर Ex:  His spending spree have burdened मौजमस्ती Ex:  His spending spree will lead him right to the hospital रंगरलियां
Spree ki paribhasha : baaans ki phattiyon, kaasa, mooanja, bent aadi ka bana hua tokara
Usage of Spree in sentences

The word can be used as noun or verb in hindi and have more than one meaning. . 
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