Spring meaning in hindi

How to pronounce Spring
As noun : अपस्खल Ex:  Yesterdays weather was just like spring green.
उत्कूर्दन Ex:  I hope that cattle prices firm up next spring . उत्प्लवन Ex:  Bill intends to graduate in the spring . उल्लंफन Ex:  New Ireland in 1943. During the spring of 1944 एकाएक आना Ex:  By the end of the 2004 spring hard court season एकाएक उत्पन्न होना Ex:  It fell in the spring of 1865 after the nearby Second Battle of Fort Fisher. कड्ढना Ex:  1914. During spring training in 1915 कढ्डेरना Ex:  Over the spring of 1922 काढना Ex:  In the spring of 1964 कूदना Ex:  Coleman left in the spring of 1964 खिरना Ex:  In the spring of 2008 छलांग Ex:  The spring 1976 half of the tour was documented by a TV concert special जलजंत्र Ex:  In the spring of 2002 झटके से खुलना Ex:  Egg production peaks in the early spring झरना Ex:  In spring 1954, he made the college baseball varsity team. उ:   वसुधारा दो सौ फुट से गिरने वाला झरना है। झर्ना Ex:  One evening during spring training नमनीयता Ex:  During the spring of 1928 निकालना Ex:  Stalin announced that he was planning a general spring counteroffensive उ:   इसका अर्थ ये भी नहीं निकालना चाहिए कि ये उसको भी हो जाएगा। निर्घातन Ex:  In the spring of 472 BC प्रकट करना Ex:  In the spring of 1943 प्रच्यवन Ex:  Grannus was a healing spring god, later equated with Apollo Apollo Maponus. प्रलोठन Ex:  In the spring of 1966 प्लवित Ex:  By the spring of 1952 बसन्ती Ex:  In the spring of 1996 मलफना Ex:  By the spring of 1961 Dr. मुशरब Ex:  Throughout the spring of 1877 लचक Ex:  Graf lost twice to Gabriela Sabatini during the spring उ:   यह एक तार्किक प्रणाली है जिसमें अध्ययन के अनुसार लचक का प्रावधान है। लचनि Ex:  The spring months are the driest लटपटानि Ex:  In the spring of 1946 वसन्त ऋतु Ex:  By the spring of 1942 वसन्त Ex:  During spring and autumn उ:   भारत का एक मुख्य त्योहार है होली जो वसन्त ऋतु में मनाया जाता है। वारिप्रवाह Ex:  In the spring of 1970 वाहस Ex:  She finally confronted Navratilova during the spring of 1981 विस्फोट कराना Ex:  In the late spring or early summer of 305 व्यवाकृति Ex:  In spring and autumn, rainfall averages between 55 and 94 millimetres a month. सेझा Ex:  By the spring of 1834 स्थितिस्थापकता Ex:  Most of the precipitation falls in the winter and early spring स्प्रिंग लगा हुआ Ex:  In the spring of 1970, Warner Bros. स्प्रिंग Ex:  His family moved back to West Hills in the spring उ:   वेरनाग स्प्रिंग झेलम नदी का प्रमुख स्रोत भी है।
As verb : उच्छटना Ex:  The boys are playing on the spring board. उछट्टना Ex:  Shridhar loves to eat spring onions. उछलना Ex:  Let's get the yard all spruced up for spring . उछ्छरना Ex:  The trees bud out in early spring . उत्कूर्दन Ex:  I hope that cattle prices firm up next spring . उत्प्लवन Ex:  Bill intends to graduate in the spring . उत्फाल Ex:  Please don't spring any other demands on me . ऊलालना Ex:  Tornadoes are common during the spring and summer months तरक्कना Ex:  The spring is colder than the fall. प्रलोठन Ex:  In the spring of 1966 संवल्गन Ex:  In the spring of 1964
Other : उछल Ex:  Ice floe breaks down in spring season. उडाना Ex:  My thoughts echoed with the sounds of spring . उत्स Ex:  Inaugurated in the spring of 1957, the Fair is a major event for the city. उड़ाना Ex:  By the spring of 1943 कमानी Ex:  In spring of 1992 the government of Mohammad Najibullah collapsed उ:   कमानी के सिरेपर नरम लोहे का एक संस्पर्शक होता है। करछाल Ex:  In the spring of 1941 कूद Ex:  In the spring of 1964 उ:   ’ वे खिडक़ी से कूद कर भागे। चश्मा Ex:  While all others returned to Canada in the spring of 1992 उ:   वह ऐसे कुछ क्रिकेटरों में से एक थे, जो चश्मा लगाते थे। चौंक उठना Ex:  Starting in the spring of 218 BC चौंकाना Ex:  Arriving in Etruria in the spring of 217 BC छलाँग Ex:  In the spring of 1996, Jarrah moved to Germany with his cousin Salim. जलाना Ex:  As of spring 2005, economic growth has resumed in California at 4.3%. जस्त Ex:  And if you have chickweed in your lawn every spring झपट Ex:  Pesach is a spring festival निकलना Ex:  For spring forces: where is the spring constant. निर्झर Ex:  In the spring of 449 BC नौबहार Ex:  In Washington, D.C., the Controls played their first gig in spring 1977 पीछे हटना Ex:  In the spring of 1942 फाडना Ex:  In the spring of 1882 Hermann Minkowski फुहारा Ex:  In the following spring , Philip marched south into Greece. फूट पड़ना Ex:  In the spring of 201 BC he took Samos and the Egyptian fleet stationed there. बंसत Ex:  In the spring of 199 BC बसंत ऋतु Ex:  In the spring of 198 BC बसन्त ऋतु Ex:  Arizona is a popular location for Major League Baseball spring training बहार Ex:  In the spring of 1790 उ:   राग बहार काफ़ी थाट से उत्पन्न षाड़व षाड़व जाति का राग है। मधु Ex:  In spring 1943 the family moved to Moscow. उ:   पुआ - मैदा, दूध, घी, चीनी मधु इत्यादि से बनाया जाता है। रबी Ex:  France in the spring of 1764 उ:   मुख्यतः खरीफ या रबी मौसम में खेती की जाती है। लचकदार वस्तु Ex:  Seniors are excused from all second term spring exams वसंत Ex:  This spring is located on Mount Guozongmucha उ:   वसंत पञ्चमी या श्रीपंचमी एक हिन्दू त्यौहार है। सरोता Ex:  As the spring and summer progressed सोता Ex:  Halloween was filmed in 21 days in the spring of 1978 in South Pasadena उ:   जैसे ही कोई उसपर सोता था वे पंख चलने लगते थे। स्त्रोत Ex:  The remaining Americans held on outside Quebec City until the spring of 1776 उ:   जवाई बांध पाली एवं जोधपुर जिले में जलापूर्ति का मुख्य स्त्रोत है। स्रोता Ex:  Whitman taught intermittently at various schools until the spring of 1838
Spring ki paribhasha : kisi khadi chij ke oopari bhaag ko tedha karake niche ki aur laana varsh ki chhah RRituon men se pradhaan aur pratham RRitu jisake antargat chait aur baisaakh ke mahine maane gae hai lohe ki tili, taar athava isi prakaar ki aur koi lachili vastu jo is prakaar baithaayi ho ki daab padne se dab jaay aur hatane par phir apani jagah par aa jaay kisi padaarth ko agni ke snyog se angaare ya lapat ke roop men kar dena ek padaarth ke tal ke saath doosare padaarth ka tal milana lohe ki tili, pattara, taar ya isi prakaar ki aur koi lachili vastu jo daab padne par dab jaay aur daab hatane par phir apane sthaan par aa jaay lachakane ko kriya ya bhaav jhatake ke saath ekabaaragi sharir ko kshan bhar ke liye is prakaar oopar utha lena jisamen prathvi ka lagaav chhoot jaay kisi vastu ki ek aur se doosari or chala jaana lohe ya pital aadi ki bani hui ek prakaar ki chhalani jisamen lnbe lnbe chhed hote hain aur jisamen rakhakar samucha anaaj chhaana jaata hai
Usage of Spring in sentences

The word can be used as noun or verb in hindi and have more than one meaning. . 
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