Spy meaning in hindi
As noun : अचानक देखना Ex: The spy was overwrought by the demands of the job
उदास्थित Ex: The spy spoke in whispers. खुफियालीस Ex: He was hired to spy on the president. गुप्तगति Ex: the suspected spy was summarily executed गुप्तचर Ex: The spy threaded through the crowd at the palace . गूढ़चारी Ex: Like a thief changing disguises or a spy with multiple passports चर Ex: Hitchcock had filmed two spy thrillers उ: यह बताता है कि दो चर आपस में कितने सम्बन्धित हैं। चारपाल Ex: Hitchcock had worked on the script for a projected spy thriller चारपाल Ex: Hitchcock had worked on the script for a projected spy thriller जबाँगीर Ex: Goedsche was allegedly a spy for the Prussian Secret Police. जबाँगीर Ex: Goedsche was allegedly a spy for the Prussian Secret Police. जरीद Ex: The Norwegian listening post continually listened to Soviet spy satellites जरीद Ex: The Norwegian listening post continually listened to Soviet spy satellites जासूस Ex: Action to spy, a spy उ: इस घटना की वजह से उन्हें अक्सर एक जर्मन जासूस की नज़र से भी देखा गया। डिटेक्टिब Ex: OBSERVER means also Watching carefully, monitor, spy डिटेक्टिब Ex: OBSERVER means also Watching carefully, monitor, spy नद्यत्सृष्ट प्रतिष्क प्रतिष्कश प्रतिष्कस प्रवृत्तिज्ञ बालूचरा भीमर भीमर मंत्रगूढ़ मनकूला मित्रविदु मित्रविदु मुखबिर रभू वनगुप्त वार्तायन वावसू स्पश उ: 'न तिष्ठन्ति न नि मिषन्त्येते देवानां स्पश इह ये चरन्ति । स्पाई हलकार हितप्रणी हितप्रणी हेरा
Other : गुप्तचर भेदिया Ex: The spy threaded his way through the crowd . गुप्तदूत Ex: Thus, making this the first American undersea spy missions of the cold war. गोयंदा Ex: Britain's external spy agency छानबीन करना Ex: Buckley wrote the 1976 spy novel Saving the Queen जासूस या गुप्तचर Ex: Action to observe, spy जासूसी Ex: It serves you spy with such a उ: उन पर भारत के लिए जासूसी करने के आरोप भी लगे। झांकना Ex: The wheat begin to spy ढूंढना Ex: , be on the lookout for something, or absolutely be on the lookout, the spy opportunity to do something, be alert उ: ऐसे में कई बार सही जानकारी ढूंढना मुश्किल हो जाता है। दूर से देखना Ex: , to observe, to spy what might appear suspicious पता लगाना भेद लेना भेदिया
Spy ki paribhasha : gupt roop se kisi baat ka pata lagaane ki kriya kisi vastu ko kisi kaary ke liye dekhakar sthir karana gupt rahasy jaananevaala vah doot jo kisi baat ka chupachaap bhed leta ho gupt roop se kisi baat visheshataः aparaadh aadi ka pata lagaanevaala kaagaja, kapade aadi ke phatane ka shabd
ExamplesUsage of Spy in sentences
The word can be used as noun or verb in hindi and have more than one meaning. .
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