Stabilize meaning in hindi

How to pronounce Stabilize
As verb : निरताना Ex:  By the end of 2002 the economy began to stabilize
निरथाना Ex:  Wind pressure at a favorable angle can stabilize other slopes. निर्णायन Ex:  They were able to reorganise and stabilize the front at the Piave River. स्थिर करना
Other : दृढ़ करना Ex:  The remaining glaciers are expected to stabilize मजबूत करना Ex:  In terms of mechanics, he said in a metal wheel attached to a tree, which stores energy and serves to stabilize the movement मज़बूत होना स्थायी करना स्थायी बनाना स्थायीकरण स्थिरीकरण करना
Usage of Stabilize in sentences

The word can be used as verb in hindi and have more than one meaning. 
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