Staid meaning in hindi

How to pronounce Staid
As noun : अथग Ex:  He is a staid person.
अपिच्छिल Ex:  be mounted on stilts and figuratively means jokingly Having staid mind, speak with emphatically and use big words or Assign airs to get noticed औंड़ा Ex:  It takes sometimes, ironically, for a bombastic style and staid गँभीर Ex:  Speech staid गंभीर Ex:  This man is always solemn and staid उ:   वृक्षारोपण के प्रति वे काफी गंभीर थे। गरवी गरुअ गरुवा विंझ व्यायत
As adjective : उबाऊ Ex:  It says in the This same sense is staid, is staid, This has a constrained and staid गम्भीर Ex:  This man is always staid उ:   हिन्दी के विकास को लेकर सरकार गम्भीर नहीं है।
Other : शान्त संतुलित उ:   थण्डी और गरम हवा के उपयोग से हमारे शरीर का तापमान संतुलित रेहता है। सौम्य
Staid ki paribhasha : jyotish men vrash sinha, vrashchik aur kunbh ye chaar raashiyaaan, jo sthir maani gai hain saat ki snkhya ka vaachak shabd yajn ke yoop ka niche se pndrah aratni ka sthaan
Usage of Staid in sentences

The word can be used as noun or adjective in hindi and have more than one meaning. . 
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