Stamp meaning in hindi

How to pronounce Stamp
As noun : उस्रा Ex:  Usually three colours are available in stamp pad.
काश्मकराष्ट्रक Ex:  The doctors hope they can stamp cancer out . छाप Ex:  2006. This stamp features a very special image of Hattie McDaniel. उ:   यह दूसरी छाप एक पहेली बन गई। टिकट Ex:  She appears on a 33 cent U.S. postage stamp उ:   यह फ़िल्म टिकट खिड़की पर सफल नहीं रही थी। ठप्पा Ex:  A rubber stamp डाक टिकट Ex:  A sound, a clear stamp पैर की पटक Ex:  Action to stamp or result of this action पैर घसीट कर चलना Ex:  Burn a figure on a stamp प्रकार Ex:  Contraindications seal Footprint applied to seal the back with a smaller stamp उ:   इस प्रकार काशी की रियासत का जन्म हुआ। प्रवेशपत्र Ex:  Few men have a character of this stamp बिद्धि Ex:  He forgot to stamp the letter मुद्रा Ex:  His voice did not stamp उ:   यहाँ की मुद्रा फ़िजी डॉलर है। विनिवेश Ex:  Knock out an envelope, a stamp व्यावसायिक मुहर Ex:  Letter stamp was once said in a letter King, countersigned by a secretary of state, closed the royal stamp and containing an order of imprisonment or exile स्टाम्प Ex:  Once the sealed letters were also called stamp Letters उ:   स्टाम्प डाक विभाग द्वारा जारी किए गए रुपये में है।
As verb : उछेदना Ex:  I love stamp collection. टिकट लगाना Ex:  The Soviet Union issued a commemorative stamp with her likeness. ठप्पा लगाना Ex:  A bicycle stamp पैर पटकना Ex:  Close with a stamp प्रभावित करना Ex:  familiarly and absolutely is said in the same sense in speaking Having the stamp of a person who has elegance, particular distinction
Other : अंकित करना Ex:  Industries of different stamp hold a very high position in our society. आँक Ex:  Tata is a stamp of quality. आकार Ex:  Food stamp is generally given to the poor. उ:   उदाहरण के लिए, गेंद का आकार गोल होता है। चित्त पर अंकित करना Ex:  The 39-cent stamp was released on January 29 छापा Ex:  A Dalek appeared on a postage stamp celebrating British popular culture in 1999 उ:   इस प्रकार छापा के साथ ही बिरहा का अंत हो जाता है । छुड़ाना Ex:  The stamp states about Bacon ठप्पा की हुई वस्तु Ex:  A 50 cent stamp डाकटिकट Ex:  A stamp of red wax, black wax निरस्त स्टाम्प Ex:  A stamp saphirine पटकना Ex:  Action to stamp पांव से पीटना Ex:  Action to stamp मुद्रा बनाना Ex:  He still said cards on which you put a stamp or mark which, in a Subscription serve to account for the number of times a person has done something मुद्रांक Ex:  Impressed stamp, stamp that n is marked by the pressure of the area on which it is engraved उ:   मुद्रांक शुल्क एक प्रकार का कर है जो दस्तावेजों पर लगाया जाता है। मुद्रांकन करना Ex:  In terms of Blason, it means Putting above, a crown stamp or other mark of honor, dignity मुद्राक‌ं शुल्क Ex:  It also means Undo which is closed with a seal, a stamp मुहर लगाना Ex:  It also said the stamp or piece of wood this opening mouth मुहर Ex:  It is also said stamp उ:   एक पोस्ट ऑफिस, जिसकी अपनी मुहर थी। मोहर लगाना Ex:  It means, in terms of Blason, Figure of some animal or other object that is placed above the stamp मोहर Ex:  It was engraved a flower on the stamp स्टांप Ex:  Mark a stamp paper, so it can be used for purposes determined by law स्टाम्प और उत्पादन शुल्क Ex:  Mark with a stamp स्टाम्पित करना Ex:  See stamp Fele
Stamp ki paribhasha : gehuan, chane, dhaan aadi ka sil ya jal se bhigakar phir sukhakar sikudna kisi aisi vastu ko jisapar syaahi, gila rng aadi puta ho, doosari vastu par rakhakar ya chhulaakar usaki aakrati chihnit karana sada bana rahanevaala mool ya pradhaan gun kisi padaarth ka vah gun jisaka bodh drashta gorakhapnthi saadhooon ke pahanane ka ek karnabhooshan jo praayaः kaaanch va sphatik ka hota hai .... gina hua kaaante ya lakadi ka bojh jise lakadihaare jngal se sir par uthaakar laate hain lakadi, dhaatu mitti aadi ka khnd jisapar kisi prakaar ki aakrati, belaboote ya akshar aadi is prakaar khude hon ki use kisi doosari vastu par rakhakar dabaane se ya doosari vastu ki usapar rakhakar dabaane se us doosari vastu par ve aakratiyaaan belaboote ya akshar ubhar aaven athava ban jaaany muanhad vah kaagaj ka tukad jo kisi prakaar ka mahasula, bhaada, kar ya phis chukaanevaale ko diya jaay aur jisake dbaara vah kahin aa ja sake ya koi kaam kar sake
Usage of Stamp in sentences

The word can be used as noun or verb in hindi and have more than one meaning. . 
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