Stand for meaning in hindi

How to pronounce Stand for
As noun : अर्थ होना Ex:  The soldiers have to stand for hours without changing position.
समर्थन करना
Other : का प्रतीक होना Ex:  I am against everything you stand for . के लिए खडा़ होना Ex:  When Augustus failed to stand for election as consul in 22 BC प्रतिनिधान Ex:  I stand for satisfied उ:   वह राजा का निजी सचिव भी होता था और सर्वत्र उसका प्रतिनिधान करता था। प्रतिनिधि होना Ex:  In terms of the former procedure, he pointed to the act by which a prosecutor said stand for that part प्रतिनिधित्व करना Ex:  stand for voice a company प्रतीक होना Ex:  Way to stand for something that makes बर्दाश्त करना Ex:  It should appear, stand for any assignment, on any assignment
Usage of Stand for in sentences

The word can be used as noun or verb in hindi and have more than one meaning. 
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