Startle meaning in hindi
As noun : चौंक जाना
As verb :
उच्चकित Ex:  This announcement will startle many but few will be grieved by it". उदभ्रांन Ex:  They startle extremely easily चकि चकित उ: यह सुनकर माता-पिता चकित रह गए। चक्रत चौंकाना बिसमादी भैचक मुतहैय्यर विस्मेर ससाध्वस सस्मय सुविस्मय हकधक हैरती
Startle ki paribhasha : kisi anisht ya haani ki aashnka se aakul hona
ExamplesUsage of Startle in sentences
The word can be used as noun or verb in hindi and have more than one meaning. .
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