Steady meaning in hindi
As noun : अक्र Ex: Sita is making steady progress in her writing.
अक्षणिक Ex: A steady man is trusted by every one. अचौकी Ex: Go at a steady trot. अड़िग Ex: Due to the steady surveillance अतिसर्ग Ex: A steady stream of governors appointed by the president quit the position अथग Ex: Taking advantage of steady budgetary growth अनपायनी Ex: Norway lost the steady stream of pilgrims to the relics of St. अपिच्छिल Ex: Since then, it has held steady at about 24,000 MZN to 1 U.S. dollar. अमोर Ex: This results in a slow but steady leakage of the atmosphere into space. अविलास Ex: After a period of steady growth from 1985 to 1995 इकताना Ex: Without a steady flow of supplies इस्थिर Ex: A steady stream of migration of Egyptian Jews followed उच्चावचनहीन Ex: These steady gamma-ray emitters include pulsars औंड़ा Ex: After experiencing decades of steady growth गँभीर Ex: Polish forces continued a steady eastern advance. गंभीर Ex: However, only 15% of the Federation's members have steady music employment. उ: शलभों द्वारा गंभीर हानियाँ होती हैं। गरवी Ex: Tip turned to a steady northwest motion on October 8. By that time गरुअ Ex: 1900 the steady trickle of dispossessed civilians became a torrent. गरुवा Ex: These steady 25-50mph winds can suddenly warm parts of Montana गैरमनकूला Ex: Baltimore's steady loss of population जिह्मगामी Ex: Russia's agriculture demonstrated steady growth टगमग Ex: A steady man, tidy, A man who has the order in his conduct in its affairs थाइल Ex: Going places steady wins the race, Avoid excess if we want to have long life; we must use with care of the things we want to use long धीमा Ex: Having the strong hand also means Have a steady hand उ: शिशुओं और बच्चों का धीमा विकास। निभृत Ex: Hitting a steady hand, an insured arm निरताना Ex: Reported lands need to settle to steady निरथाना Ex: This steady hand surgeon निर्णायन Ex: , Going places steady wins the race परमनेंट परिक्षमी पाइंदा पायंदा प्रतिनियत बरकरार उ: इसके आधार पर उनकी उम्र-कैद बरकरार रही। मुलायम उ: इससे यह मुलायम और कीचड़दार मार्ग पर भी चलने में समर्थ था। मृदु वर्तिष्णु विंझ विजड़ित विनिष्कंप व्यायत श्लथ समवृत्ति स्तिमित स्तीम स्थायी उ: इनके स्थायी चुम्बक भी बनाये जाते हैं। स्थायुक स्थास्नु स्थिर करना स्थिर उ: औसत वार्षिक वर्षा स्थिर है। स्थिरगंध
As adjective : अखंड़ Ex: Ram has been holding a steady job for past 1.years. अनवरत Ex: The tropical location has a predictably steady level of rain and snowfall उ: पिछले लगभग सौ वर्षों से इसका अनवरत प्रकाशन होता आ रहा है। अबिचल Ex: A steady trickle of outward migration continued as अलोल Ex: By early afternoon, a steady northeastern wind had picked up. अविचल Ex: Colombia, South Asia, and other areas of the Caribbean have seen a steady rise. आनुलोमिक Ex: Bach’s steady output of fugues began in Weimar. उत्प्रबंध Ex: The exercises are performed at a steady pace कड़ेदम Ex: Other newspapers kept up a steady गम्भीर Ex: After slow but steady gains in popularity throughout the 20th century उ: मंदिर के पास हि गम्भीर नदी बहती है। नियमित Ex: In steady hand in safe hands, the hands of a person who can be confidently उ: पर्यटक यहां नियमित रूप से आते रहते हैं। मुदाम रात्रिंदिव, रात्रिंदिवा सदाभव सनियम
Other : अचर Ex: He is slow yet steady in his work. उ: विश्लेषण में समुचित योक्त्रण द्वारा अचर राशि क से गुणन हो जाता है। एकसमान Ex: Aarhus has been growing at a steady rate of about 1% per year since 1950 उ: यह एकसमान स्वभाव तथा संरचना वाली शैलों के क्षेत्र में विकसित होता है। टिकाना Ex: Ensure hand Making firm and steady hand टेक Ex: Finance Action to make steady Result of this action or उ: यह वत्साना टेक्नोलॉजीस नामक टेक कंपनी के अंतर्गत संचालित हैं। निश्चल Ex: , Going places steady wins the race, it must not be excess, we must use with care of his strength, his faculties, to keep them long निष्कंप निष्पंद विश्वसनीय उ: उनका मानना है कि लोग मूल रूप से ईमानदार, सभ्य और विश्वसनीय होते हैं। सधा हुआ साबित उ: फ़िल्म बॉक्स ऑफिस पर बडी हिट साबित हुई। सुस्थिर स्थिरक
Steady ki paribhasha : jyotish ke anusaar vrasha, sinh vrashchik aur kunbh raashiyaaan jo sthir hain vah lakadi ya khnbha jo kisi bhaari vastu ko adae ya tikaaye rakhane ke liye niche ya bagal se bhidakar lagaaya jaata hai rahane ke liye jagah dena nity ya shaashvat bhaavana athava koi bhi tikaaou vastu, dradh sthiti ya dasha niyamon ke bhitar laaya hua jo lobhi na ho jo adhik prachnd, tivr ya ugr na ho jyotish men vrash sinha, vrashchik aur kunbh ye chaar raashiyaaan, jo sthir maani gai hain
ExamplesUsage of Steady in sentences
The word can be used as noun, verb or adjective in hindi and have more than one meaning. .
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