Stick meaning in hindi
As noun : अटकना Ex: roughen the surfaces so they will stick to each other
अमूझाना Ex: I want to stick the name of my company in the market scenario. असाधारण व्यक्ति Ex: I tried to stick all the strickers on the cupboard. आसादन Ex: My brother is a good player of stick games. गोभना Ex: He leant his stick against the wall. घुसेडना Ex: She coldcocked him with her walking stick . घोँपना Ex: He pitched away the stick . चिपकाना Ex: I'll stick to my guns on this matter . चुभाना Ex: Pernambuco is regarded by many players as the best stick material चूभना Ex: This occurs when particles and gases stick to the ground छड़ी Ex: French Creole belair and the stick fighting chantwell. टेक लगाना Ex: A cinnamon stick टोँचना Ex: A cosmetic stick ठवनापु Ex: A liquorice stick ड्रम छड़ी Ex: A stick Aventurine पुलीस का ड़ंड़ा Ex: Do not stick to a body no other प्रातिधान Ex: Do not stick to his opinion फँदना Ex: Feeling, stick together, Shaking against each other and figuratively Helping each other फँसना Ex: Ferré money, go riding on a stick are catachreses फदाना Ex: He extended his arm and reached his stick बर्दाश्त करना Ex: He spread it out with his stick बिलबना Ex: Hitting someone with the hand with a stick बिलूमना Ex: I stand, I stick to your decision मारियुआनायुक्त सिगरेट Ex: In his anger he took a stick you रखना Ex: Ironically, I stick left, is said of someone whose services are dependents or suspects, and I mean dispenses उ: पूंजीवादी देश भी उसके साथ संबंध नहीं रखना चाहते थे। लकुटी Ex: It also said a small wooden stick or metal containing a graphite pencil or other, which is used to draw, mark, write, etc लकड़ी Ex: It also tells the velvet-covered stick and fleurdelisé worn the king of arms and the heralds of weapons in big ceremonies विष्टब्धि Ex: It should stick this fabric before printing सन्निवेश Ex: Playing the stick with both Tips सन्यासन Ex: Rely on a stick सल्लनां Ex: Sauté a dog over a stick स्टीक Ex: stick उ: स्टीक अंदर की तरफ से लाल और हल्का गर्म होता है।
As verb : घुसेड़ना Ex: Tom jabbed the stick at the dog . चिपकना Ex: I hope he can stick at this job . उ: साँचे में चिपकना कम करने के लिये, इसमें अल्प लेड स्टियरेट डालते हैं। बरदाश करना Ex: He gave him on the head with a stick that stuns सथापित करना Ex: Playing stick
Other : औगी Ex: carrot and stick खोंचा Ex: In a book, I read about a stick insect. छड़ी Ex: More examples: haften = to stick उ: एक टेढ़ी छड़ी अनिवार्य होती है। छडी़ Ex: Sickle-cell versions of hemoglobin stick to themselves टाईप जोडने की पटरी Ex: A pencil, when viewed lengthwise, looks like a stick टाईप जोड़ने की पटरी Ex: One of the most common types is a notched stick डंडा Ex: A lollipop stick डण्डा Ex: A nice round stick तानना Ex: A stick punts बींधना Ex: I stick to its report बेंत Ex: I stick to the उ: इसके अतिरिक्ति मछली मारने के उपकरण भी बेंत व बाँस के बनाए जाते हैं। भोंकना Ex: I stick to the decision of the Fathers लकडी Ex: It also means He who performs address laps with a stick उ: परन्तु लकडी पर नक्काशी आज भी यहाँ उपलब्ध है। लगना Ex: It is also said to Various things that have or which is given the form of a stick लांठी Ex: It is said, in the opposite direction, obey the stick, being led to the stick लाठी Ex: It said, in terms of Botany, the place where the parts, valves that form the envelope for fruits join and stick together by their edges वेत्र Ex: It was sown in France mouths stick stitching on the whole संलग्न रहना Ex: Kind weapon formed of a stick , which ends with a point and that is used most commonly to hunt wild boar सटना Ex: Ointment stick सलाई Ex: Rely on a stick सांटना Ex: Stand, stick shapes
Stick ki paribhasha : kisi vastu ko sui kaaante, bhaale, barachhi aadi se is prakaar dabaana ki usamen aarapaar chhed ho jaay vah lnbi aur gol badi lakadi jisaka vyavahaar chalane men sahaare ke liye athava maarapit aadi ke liye hota hai do chijon ka is prakaar ek men milana jisamen donon ke ek paarsha्v ek doosare se lag jaayan do padaarthon ka tal aapas men milana ek padaarth ke tal ke saath doosare padaarth ka tal milana lahange, paajaame aadi men gokharoo, chutaki aadi ki sidhi tankaayi baheliyon ka vah laba baaans jisake sire par laasa lagaakar ve pakshiyon ko phansaate hain kisi vastu par ya kisi vastu ke andar doosari vastu sthit karana do vastuon ko sikara, milaakara, chipakaakar athava isi prakaar ke kisi aur upaay se ek karana bich men kisi lasili vastu ke kaaran do vastuon ka is prakaar judna ki jaldi alag na ho saken
ExamplesUsage of Stick in sentences
The word can be used as noun or verb in hindi and have more than one meaning. .
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