Stifled meaning in hindi
As verb : उपगूढ़ Ex:  But the ideals were stifled by Cixi and Guangxu was jailed in his own palace.
उपपीड़ित Ex:  This greatly stifled creativity. घट्टित Ex:  Kitchen See stifled दबाया हुआ Ex:  stifled Cree, the muffled cries of a person whose breathing is impaired प्रतिवीत Ex:  The voice of reason in him stifled murmurs of love संपीड़ित उ: हवा अंतर्ग्रहक में खींची जाती है और संपीडक द्वारा संपीड़ित होती है।
Other : गुमची के रोग वाला Ex:  It has stifled his complaints
ExamplesUsage of Stifled in sentences
The word can be used as verb in hindi and have more than one meaning.
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