Stigma meaning in hindi
As noun : अंगुश्तनुमाई Ex: In this modern world still there is social stigma to give birth to a girl child.
कलंक Ex: The stigma of these social strata persisted for many years उ: ये कलंक अपने स्थान से सरकते हुए दिखाई पड़ते हैं। कारिखी Ex: Issues such as social stigma of using opioids गूहाछीछी Ex: STYLE means, in terms of botany, which is part of the pistil between the ovary and the stigma which is usually elongated shaped net roughly loosed छिद्रता Ex: The stigma is the price is the right price for conduct so infamous डिसकाउंट Ex: The stigma of justice said iron red marks on the shoulders of convicts तांबूलकरंक Ex: He just had the smallpox, he still has the stigma बट्टा उ: मेवाड़ी सिक्कों से इसके मूल्यांतर को बट्टा कहा जाता था। लछण वट्ट सिलामा
Other : कलंक Ex: Although in rural Thailand prostitution holds a strong stigma कालिख Ex: "Uganda has pioneered approaches towards reducing stigma कालिमा Ex: AIDS stigma is expressed in conjunction with one or more other stigmas क्लोमछिद्र Ex: Botanical Body female plants, usually placed in the center of the flower and composed of three parts: the ovary, style and stigma क्षतिचिन्ह Ex: bulbous plant that blooms in early fall and bears a blue flower mixed red and purple, with yellow stigma very fragrant चकत्ता Ex: The freshness of her complexion has suffered no stigma दाग दृक्बिंदु धब्बा पक्षबिंदु फूल के गर्भ केसर का सिरा लांछन लांछना वर्तिकाग्र श्वासछिद्र
Stigma ki paribhasha : mogal ya taataar amir chagataayi khaaan jisake vnsh men baabara, akabar aadi bhaaratavarsh ke mugal baadashaah the kisi satah ke oopar thodi door tak phaila hua aisa sthaan jo satah ke rng ke mel men na ho aur bhadda lagata ho kisi vastu ke tal par rng ka vah bhed jo thode se sthaan par alag dikhaayi padta hai patthar ka gol tukad jo kisi vastu ko kootane ya pisane ke kaam men aave chndrama par kaala daag
ExamplesUsage of Stigma in sentences
The word can be used as noun in hindi and have more than one meaning. .
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