Stirrup meaning in hindi

How to pronounce Stirrup
As noun : रकाब Ex:  Finally here placed you, you have a foot in the stirrup उ:   माना जाता है कि रकाब का आविष्कार भारत में ५०० ईसापूर्व में हुआ था।
Other :
छल्ला Ex:  Commit foot in the stirrup when falling horse पदाधान Ex:  Extend these stirrup leathers These brackets
Stirrup ki paribhasha : ghodon ko kaathi ka paavadaan jisapar pair rakhakar savaar hote hain aur baithane men jisase sahaara lete hain
Usage of Stirrup in sentences

The word can be used as noun in hindi and have more than one meaning. . 
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