Stoicism meaning in hindi

How to pronounce Stoicism
As noun : आत्मसंयम Ex:  Though she was ill, she showed great stoicism when there was trouble in the house.
जर्फ Ex:  It is used substantively to designate one who practices the stoicism बुर्दबारी Ex:  It was pure and stoicism he saw सहनशीलता उ:   यह संप्रदाय प्यार, सहनशीलता और खुलेपन के कारण प्रसिद्ध है। साहन स्टोइकवाद
Other : समबुद्धि वाद Ex:  The principles of stoicism
Usage of Stoicism in sentences

The word can be used as noun in hindi and have more than one meaning. 
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