Stony meaning in hindi
As noun : पत्थर सा सख़्त Ex:  Who of Natural History is formed by stony corals or madrepores refers to
As adjective :
अघोर Ex:  For digging stony soil we use pick axe अनमनीय Ex:  Anna Thynne maintained stony corals and seaweed for almost three years अवच्छुरित Ex:  This process can form a stony or metallic core उग्रदंड Ex:  The single seed is enclosed in a hard stony shell कठुर Ex:  A stony path कठेठ, कठेठा Ex:  A stony soil कठोर Ex:  Become a stony consistency, speaking of a mineral mass उ: ये बोराइड सबसे कठोर और कम धातुगुण के होते हैं। कमठान Ex:  Concrétion stony कर्कस Ex:  geology stony substance which forms the basis of various rocks mixed क्रक्कस Ex:  In terms of Metallurgy, he said that Operation is to wash the ore to separate the earthy, stony part own party to be melted ग्राव Ex:  Jumping a car that is rolling on a stony or poorly united चंड़ Ex:  Mineralogy stony or other substance that envelopes the minerals in the heart of the earth दारुनि Ex:  Navy secretion, stony limestone, some polyps, which has the form of a more or less branching shrub, and extreme hardness दुःखछिन्न Ex:  Pear so named because it is stony and has a rose flavor दृषद्वान् Ex:  stony concretion निविरीश निविरीस Ex:  stony substance, formed either by calcium deposits, or by ash, sludge, volcanic debris पथरीला Ex:  The vine thrives in stony lands उ: आगे का मार्ग पथरीला है जो एक खोल से होकर जाता है। पर्ष पोढा़ भृशदारुण लोचनपरुप वज्रमय वज्रहृदय विरुक्ष व्यायत संकीन साधिष्ठ
Other : कँकड़ीला Ex:  A field stony कँकरीला Ex:  A field stony ground गुठलीदार Ex:  It also said the stony floor and उ: आलू बुख़ारा एक गुठलीदार फल है। पत्थर का बना हुआ. कडा Ex:  The stony land must be often collapsed पत्थर का बना हुआ Ex:  The stony soils पत्थरो से भरा हुआ Ex:  A fruit stony पत्थरों से भरा हुआ Ex:  d'Histoire polyp stony whose surface is carved with a plurality of pores पाषाणमय पाषाणवत्
ExamplesUsage of Stony in sentences
The word can be used as noun or adjective in hindi and have more than one meaning.
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