Stoop meaning in hindi

How to pronounce Stoop
As noun : अधहपतन Ex:  I cant stoop to his dictates.
कंधे झुकाकर चलना Ex:  I will not stoop my dignity, my character, to commit me to commit with him कमण्डल Ex:  It must be humiliating, stoop under the hand of God उ:   इनके दाहिने हाथ में जप की माला एवं बाएँ हाथ में कमण्डल रहता है। घर के आगे का बरामदा Ex:  SE If compromise means squandered, stoop घर के सामने की सीढ़ी Ex:  stoop a church, hall, cellar झपट्टा मारना Ex:  , It seems there is to stoop and take, says a Thing that seems easy and who is not झुक कर खड़ा होना Ex:  It means in terms of Devotion, Action to stoop to humble themselves before God झुक कर चलना Ex:  Submitting mean figuratively, stoop झुकाव उ:   न ही दक्षिण की ओर उसके झुकाव को ठीक किया जा सका। झौँक नीचे गिरना नीचे झुकना पवित्र जल का पात्र प्रपतन भ्रंश, भ्रंस भ्रंशन, भ्रंसन विस्त्रंस विस्रंसन सिर झुकाना
Other : आगे की ओर झुकना या झुकाना Ex:  What ever the shortcomings are, one should not stoop to stealing. आगे की ओर झुकना वा झुकानाऽधीन होना Ex:  and ironically, it seems there is to stoop and take, says if a thing seems easy and that the is not उतरना Ex:  I I stoop developed to justify myself, to pretend कृपा करना Ex:  PONT was said before, in terms of Tailor, the anterior part of the trousers or the pants that buttoned on the right and left and could stoop चबूतरा Ex:  stoop says Persons whose size begins to curve उ:   यहां बौद्ध रीति से बना हुआ पक्की ईंटों का एक चबूतरा है। नवना निहुरना नीचे आना भुकना
Stoop ki paribhasha : utaarane ka kaam any se karaana utaarana kisi khadi chij ke oopar ke bhaag ka niche ki or tedha hokar latak aana kisi or latakane, pravratt hone ya jhukane ki kriya
Usage of Stoop in sentences

The word can be used as noun or verb in hindi and have more than one meaning. . 
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