Story meaning in hindi
As noun : अपकौशली Ex: his story brought tears to her eyes
अपह्नृति Ex: an unlikely story अफसाना Ex: The story is implausible. अफसाना Ex: The story is implausible. अफसाना Ex: The story is implausible. असत्यसंनिभ Ex: Richard Bach has written a beautiful story on gull. आफवाह Ex: The story sounds phoney to me. इतिहास Ex: the tapestry of European history उ: इतिहास के इसी अध्ययन को प्रागैतिहास कहते हैं। उज्त्र Ex: The story is full of falsehood. कथा Ex: I read a story which is full of suspense. उ: काकभुशुण्डि जी ने यह कथा गरुड़ जी को सुनाई। कथानक Ex: his story confirmed my doubts उ: श्रीरामचरितमानस का कथानक रामायण से लिया गया है। कथ्था Ex: Mystify the story कथ्था Ex: Mystify the story कपोलकल्पित Ex: I love the story of Snow White and the seven gnomes. कहाणी Ex: he told the story laughingly उ: कीर्तिलता को विद्यापति ने कहाणी कहा है। कहानी Ex: Finish the story dont leave it in the mid. उ: कहानी सुनाना भी आन्ध्र का एक कला रूप है। कहिनी Ex: This story points the duties and rights of the person किस्सा Ex: She concocted a story of she being a successful sportswoman in school. उ: यह किस्सा बाद में वायरल हो गया। केनिपात, केनिपातक Ex: The story told by the little boy was full of punches. खलकाना Ex: She always digresses when telling a story खिंथा Ex: He read a story to us. ख्यातपु Ex: The story of the beggar was quite stirring. चूँचरा Ex: This does not correlate with your earlier story . झुट Ex: Jim's story totally grossed out Sally . झूठ Ex: I howled at the story Alice told . उ: भारतीयों का विश्वास है कि सत्य की सदा जीत होती है झूठ का नाश होता है। टालमटूल Ex: Lefty knocked the story out of Max . टिल्जेबाजी Ex: The police checked into her story . ढँढरच Ex: This story is too namby-pamby . त Ex: Please read a story to me . तल्ला Ex: All of this story smacks of illegal practices . दास्तान् Ex: Timmy sobbed his story to the teacher . दास्तान् Ex: Timmy sobbed his story to the teacher . निह्नवन Ex: Thus the story of the "800 Heroes" spread. न्यूज Ex: This may include major story elements उ: दैनिक जागरण, अमर उजाला, दैनिक भास्कर आदि न्यूज पेपर उपलब्ध हैं। पुराकथा Ex: Today was a red-letter day in our history . उ: उपर्युक्त श्लोक में कालिदास के समय में प्रचलित पुराकथा का निर्देश है। फसाना Ex: The 1989 Doctor Who story The Curse of Fenric features British cryptographers फिसाना Ex: According to the story फिसाना Ex: According to the story फेरफार Ex: Rasputin, Anastasia, are focused on the story of the Tsars. बयोरो ‡ Ex: The World War I story बरतंत Ex: The story is narrated in Nadsat बहाना Ex: In explanation Friar Lawrence recounts the story of the two lovers. बिगति Ex: In Brooke's version of the story बिरत Ex: In addition, several re-workings of the story have also been filmed. बीतक Ex: According to the story of his exploits बेआज Ex: Other significant traditions include story telling. भक्तिवाद Ex: " There are many references to watches and clocks throughout the story मिथ्यावद Ex: In a 2006 Vanity Fair story मोचना Ex: At the end of his news story रसाना Ex: The 1967 paperback edition's title was shortened to Octopussy and a third story राजकथा Ex: Borlaug is one of five people in history to have won the Nobel Peace Prize रालना Ex: Hemingway had initially planned to use Santiago's story वदंति, वदंती Ex: The story goes that in the late 1940s वदंति, वदंती Ex: The story goes that in the late 1940s वाकया Ex: The story seems autobiographical वार्तिका Ex: The first part of the story appeared in Life Magazine on September 5 1960 वार्त्ता Ex: The story of the Bodyline series was retold in a 1984 television mini-series विरतंत Ex: A popular story is that Sir Charles Moses वृतंत Ex: At the time, the film rights to the story were held by Walt Disney वृत्तांत Ex: Bakshi stated that elements of the story "had to be left out उ: गामा ने वापस आकर अपना वृत्तांत राजा मैनुएल को सुनाया। श्रवना Ex: The story is told in the Homeric Hymn to Hermes. श्रावना Ex: A similar story is told by Iranian historian Ferishta. संदेसड़ा Ex: His story is related in the Historia ecclesiastica gentis Anglorum by St. समाचार विवरण Ex: One of Thompson's sources for the story was Oscar Zeta Acosta समाचार Ex: Time magazine, December 17, 1945: Their story was as old as it was ugly. उ: यह समाचार पत्र फ्रांस में प्रकाशित होता हैं। समुन्नय Ex: Miyamoto stated that it was the first story in the timeline सरनविश्त Ex: A Link to the Past tells the story of how हिस्टरी Ex: The history of 'lost' geometric methods हिस्ट्री Ex: Natural history museums include the Museo del Departamento de Malacología UCA उ: अरस्तू ने भी हिस्ट्री ऑफ एनिमल्स में इसका जिक्र किया है। हेरा Ex: This time the story centers around the Real Madrid team
Other : उक्ति Ex: mystify the story उ: “पूरी तरह, हर तरह और हर बात में मनुष्य बनो” उनकी प्रसिद्ध उक्ति है। खबर Ex: It is a thematic story which the artists dramatised. उ: इस खबर से वो भी खुश हो जाती है। गल्प Ex: The story was bruited about all over the office . उ: "गल्पस्वल्प" नाम से दो भागों में उनके गल्प भी हैं। मंज़िल Ex: It is the story of her life उ: निचली मंज़िल में एक गलियारा और स्तम्भ हैं।
Story ki paribhasha : shabdon dvaara abhipraay prakat karana vah kathan jo vaastavik sthiti ke viparit ho biti hui prasiddh ghatanaaon aur unase snbndh rakhanevaale purushon ka kaalakram se varnan kisi baat se bachane ya koi matalab nikaalane ke liye apane snbndh men koi jhooth baat kahana kisi biti hui baat ya ghati hui ghatana ka vivaran
ExamplesUsage of Story in sentences
The word can be used as noun or verb in hindi and have more than one meaning. .
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