Straightforward meaning in hindi
As adjective : अंजु Ex:  He is a very straightforward person.
अकल्कल Ex:  But it is not straightforward and should never be done by habit or routine. अकल्कल Ex:  But it is not straightforward and should never be done by habit or routine. अकितव Ex:  Calculating an HZ range and its long-term movement is never straightforward अकुटिल Ex:  Though the basic concept of the strip is straightforward अकैतव Ex:  It is not straightforward अक्लीब Ex:  Realising his royal ambitions was far from straightforward for Henry. अजिह्म Ex:  Monday, and Saturday are straightforward translations of these Roman names. अजिह्म Ex:  Monday, and Saturday are straightforward translations of these Roman names. अनवह्वर Ex:  In the most straightforward cases अबक्र Ex:  While the assembly of cigarettes is straightforward अविलष्ट Ex:  The style of these novels is generally straightforward and ईमानदार Ex:  However, other discrepancies are straightforward contradictions. उ: वे ईमानदार थे और सादा जीवन व्यतीत करते थे। खुल्लमखुल्ला Ex:  In a clear and straightforward manner जेन्य Ex:  It is straightforward and seemed like the first निष्प्रपंच पध्धर पौण्य बेलौस भोँदु ललित, वृक्षधूप शुद्धधी शुद्धधी श्लक्ष्ण श्लक्ष्ण सच्चा उ: वह एक अच्छा पति और पिता, सच्चा तथा हितैषी मित्र था। सत्यपर,सत्यपरायण सत्योद्य सरल उ: इसलिए कॉपीिस्ट सरल लेखन शैलियों का चयन करेंगे। सश्रद्ध सिद्दीक सिधोसामान सीधा उ: वह आकाशमार्ग से सीधा स्वर्ग चला गया। सुखगम सूधा सौँझा सौँहट सौखा ‡ स्वव्याज
Straightforward ki paribhasha : jo kisi prakaar ka chhal ya kapat na jaanata ho anaaj jo braahman ya purohit aadi ko bhojanaarth diya jaata hai bilakul thik aur poora jo lenaden ya vyavahaar men sachcha ho chid ka ped jisase gndhaabiroja nikalata hai
ExamplesUsage of Straightforward in sentences
The word can be used as adjective in hindi and have more than one meaning. .
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