Straightness meaning in hindi

How to pronounce Straightness
As noun : अयानपन Ex:  In any kind of thought or knowledge, it means who lack accuracy, correctness, straightness
इतरलिंगी आकर्षण Ex:  In terms of music, he said of the accuracy and straightness measurement प्रांजलता Ex:  straightness of intent सहीपन Ex:  The straightness of a line सीधापन
Other : सरल Ex:  straightness of mind, judgment उ:   पत्तियाँ सरल तथा चमकीली हरी होती हैं। सीध Ex:  , Firmness of mind, judgment, says the straightness and strength of spirit उ:   - जब सूर्य, पृथ्वी तथा चन्द्रमा एक सीध में होते हैं।
Usage of Straightness in sentences

The word can be used as noun in hindi and have more than one meaning. 
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