Strain meaning in hindi
As noun : अथक प्रयास Ex: It is now well proven that a house wife suffers less strain in a kitchen which has good lighting and a sound ergonomic design.
अधिक भार डालना Ex: A virulent strain of Japanese enscephlitis has spread in parts of AP. इचन Ex: accommodational strain ईंचना Ex: Don't strain after the note . उरेहनापु Ex: Don't strain for effect so much . काषठभंगी Ex: One major and continuous strain on the union क्षति पहुँचाना Ex: His constant touring and drug use put intense strain on his marriage खंचना Ex: The refugee crisis placed a substantial strain on Malawi's government खींचना Ex: This strain was highly lethal in monkeys उ: कुछ प्रयासों के बाद वह दोनों उस बक्से को एक साथ खींचना सीख गए। गहन परिश्रम Ex: 2008. 149 cases of this new strain were reported and 37 of those led to deaths. गाना Ex: This Asian lineage strain of HPAI A is spreading globally. उ: पढ़ाई के साथ-साथ, गाना इन्हें बेहद पसंद था। गावण Ex: The strain not only affects surface freshwater bodies like rivers and lakes टेकलापु Ex: This places less strain on the brain. ढौरी Ex: One strain of this movement followed the work of Bernard Williams. तनाइ Ex: The energy released by instantaneous strain release is the cause of earthquakes तनाउ Ex: Coming to a succession per capita per strain by representation तनाव पैदा करना Ex: He worked with such mental strain he fell ill तनाव Ex: In terms of law, succeed by strain successor representation by उ: रुस यूरोप में कुटनीति तनाव व्यप्त रहा। ताणना Ex: It also said an outgoing timber a Jet strain remained in the ground after the tree has been cut थकाना Ex: Louis, is the strain of the House of Bourbon धुँण Ex: strain धुन Ex: The strain is opposed by succession to the estate per capita उ: लिकटेंस्टीन अभी भी धुन का उपयोग करता है। नगमासंजी Ex: The strain so hard he dies or is left exhausted नस्ल Ex: was given in the old law, the name of the Collateral Agnates descending males of the same strain male उ: वह मियाओ नस्ल की है। परिछना Ex: , The strain measurement, rhyme, Embarrassment, the discipline imposed by the poets sometimes the rules of the measure and the difficulties of rhyme परीक्षा लेना Ex: It was exhausted by too much mental strain पूरा ज़ोर लगाना प्रविकर्षण भीँचना लह्न विकृति उ: यह माइलोमा की खास विकृति है। विहेठन सिड़पन, सिड़पना
Other : अति उद्योग करना Ex: he showed signs of strain कचक Ex: Military expenses put a considerable strain on the King's revenues. कठिन उद्योग Ex: He suffered greatly from eye strain and headaches, among other ailments. कसकर तानना Ex: The letters detail the strain between father and son. खिंचाव Ex: A new strain of Ebola has been identified in Uganda during an outbreak. गीत Ex: This strain argues that thought has no content i. उ: इस प्रकार के गीत कर्णाटक संगीत में होते हैं। जोर देना Ex: Reflecting a strain of feminist criticism of the transhumanist program टपकाना Ex: Troops on both sides faced the constant strain of close-range combat. तानना Ex: It specifically says the Suite of individuals born to a same strain दाब Ex: People still means a place Fill inhabitants by strain y उ: इस प्रकार नेत्र की दाब बढ़ने नहीं पाती। निचोडना Ex: Waters and Forests Tuft of several wooden sticks that come out of the same strain निष्पीड़न Ex: , Making people honest strain उ: जायफल के बीज के निष्पीड़न से जायफल बटर की प्राप्ती होती है। पितृ गुण पूरी शक्ति लगाकर देखना या सुनना प्रकार उ: " इस प्रकार राम व लक्ष्मण के साथ वनवास चली गयी। प्रसावक मरोड़ मैलान राग उ: यह काफ़ी थाट की प्रमुख राग है। लचक लय उ: ध्यान रहे, श्वास लेते और छोड़ते वक्त हमारी लय ना टूटे। सन्तति
Strain ki paribhasha : soot ke aakaar ka lnba gaya hua chihn mal jo atma ki drak aur drakashakti ko aachchhaadit karata hai lachakane ko kriya ya bhaav vah vaakya, pad ya chhnd yo gaaya jaata ho svaron ke utaar chadhaav aadi ke vichaar se kisi git ko gaane ka dhng vah rassi jisapar dhobi kapade sukhaate hain vah roop jo vikaar ke uparaant praapt ho taala, svar ke niyam ke anusaar shabd uchchaaran karana sharir ke kisi ang ke jod ki nas ka apane sthaan se idhar udhar khisak jaana parishram karaate karaate ashakt karaana
ExamplesUsage of Strain in sentences
The word can be used as noun or verb in hindi and have more than one meaning. .
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