Strategic meaning in hindi
As noun : कूटनीतिक Ex:  His strategic knowledge is excellent. उ: अतः इसे कूटनीतिक इतिहास की संज्ञा भी दी जाती है।
As adjective :
युद्ध कौशल सम्बन्धी Ex:  Its strategic location at the Falls of the Ohio सांपराय Ex:  Sri Lanka is a strategic naval link between West Asia and South East Asia सांयुगीन Ex:  Rüdesheim and Remagen were built for strategic military reasons only सामरिक महत्व का Ex:  With its well-developed infrastructure and strategic location सामरिक Ex:  The remainder were strategic ICBMs. उ: सामरिक दृष्टि से भी इसका स्थान अद्वितीय समझा गया।
Other : महत्वपूर्ण Ex:  Due to its strategic location in the North Atlantic Ocean उ: हालाँकि, इन दोनों के बीच एक महत्वपूर्ण अंतर है। युक्तिपूर्ण Ex:  Because of its strategic location युद्ध की कूटनीति से संबंधित Ex:  Adelaide forms a strategic transport hub for east-west and north-south routes. युद्धनीतिज्ञ Ex:  India responded by first capturing strategic transportation routes सांग्रामिक Ex:  While there will always be competing strategic interests by the various players
ExamplesUsage of Strategic in sentences
The word can be used as noun or adjective in hindi and have more than one meaning.
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