Strictly meaning in hindi

How to pronounce Strictly
As noun : सिर्फ़ Ex:  Music ranges from strictly organized compositions उ:   अब सिर्फ़ चार रह गयीं।
As adverb :
अकेली Ex:  we talked strictly business उ:   विचार था कि वो ‘सिंगल’ चाहे हों, अकेली नहीं हैं। अनुशासनपूर्वक Ex:  This picture is strictly meant for adults. एककलम Ex:  This meeting is strictly business . कड़ाई से Ex:  Watson follows the parallelisms quite strictly केवल Ex:  Issuance of euro-denominated coins is strictly limited by treaty उ:   केवल ११ फीसद खुद को चीनी कहते हैं। निछान— Ex:  However there are no strictly endemic mammals. निरवक Ex:  Various strictly musical programs have been made. पूरी तरह से Ex:  Because energy is strictly conserved and is also locally conserved बलीयस् Ex:  Georgian Tehranis are strictly Persian-speaking and thus counted as Persians. भूरपूर Ex:  Gambling is strictly forbidden. हेकली Ex:  The military doctrine is strictly self-defensive
Other : कठोरता से Ex:  Joe is strictly business . कडा़ई से Ex:  These caches are called strictly inclusive. ठीक ठीक Ex:  In Advaita Vedanta, Brahman is without attributes and strictly impersonal. ढृढ‌़ता से Ex:  Although it is not strictly part of the 'canon' of Vedic writings नियमबद्धता से Ex:  "The acronym 'IPA' strictly refers to the 'International Phonetic Association'. बिलकुल Ex:  This is not strictly speaking accurate उ:   दिन में मैदान बिलकुल खाली होता है। सख़्ती से Ex:  The Statute was strictly enforced in some areas. सख्ती से Ex:  The state strictly controlled both the internal and the international trade
Strictly ki paribhasha : vah gyaan jo bhraaantishoony aur vishuddh ho
Usage of Strictly in sentences

The word can be used as noun, verb or adverb in hindi and have more than one meaning. . 
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