String meaning in hindi

How to pronounce String
As noun : उद्वाहती Ex:  a string ensemble
कसना Ex:  a string of islands कस्सना Ex:  Lamps were string on the pole. कुब्र Ex:  The bag is only hanging by a string . गतिला Ex:  Sally has John on the string . गिटार या वयोलिन का तार Ex:  Yes, it sounds like she has him on the string . गिरमा Ex:  Wind this string onto the ball and save it . गिरवाँ Ex:  Wind up the string into a ball . गुणों की श्रुङ्खला Ex:  At age 17, Poitier moved to New York City and held a string of menial jobs. छेडा Ex:  This well known love of string is often depicted in cartoons and photographs जंजर Ex:  If string is ingested जेवड़ी Ex:  Like many other string instruments तंता Ex:  Objects from algebraic geometry are now commonly applied in string theory तार लगाना Ex:  Tierney's long string of personal troubles finally took their toll. तार Ex:  The work seems to have been written in haste: the string parts are simple उ:   इनसे तार के स्वर थोड़ा ऊपर-नीचे किए जाते हैं। तालित Ex:  After the string of failures दामन् Ex:  The closer to the bridge that the string is depressed दावँरी Ex:  In order to perform string changes the whole arm is either lowered or lifted धागा Ex:  The closer to the bridge the string is bowed उ:   सूत्र का अर्थ धागा भी होता है और सिद्धांत या मंत्र भी। पाणिसर्ग्या Ex:  His most popular works are his 15 symphonies and 15 string quartets. पिरोना Ex:  His output is dominated by his cycles of symphonies and string quartets बद् धी Ex:  45, the piano sonata in C minor , and the six string quartets of Op. भीँचना Ex:  The string quartets also have Hoboken numbers रस्सी Ex:  Mendelssohn wrote 12 string symphonies between 1821 and 1823 उ:   रस्सी की सीढ़ी जो किसी आश्रय से लटकाई जाती है। लजुरी ‡ Ex:  With a string of misfortunes in the early 2000s लड़ी Ex:  "Seen as a whole this revolution is a string of violent and confused events उ:   दो घटनाएं लड़ी हुई हैं, पुरुषों और महिलाओं की। लेज Ex:  A string chrysocale वटाकर, वटारक Ex:  A string of invectives, reproaches, insults वटी Ex:  A string of pearls विद्यु्न्माला Ex:  a well string शुल्ल Ex:  Arts Cleave rings, son, string श्रृंखला Ex:  Attach with the string उ:   आज की श्रृंखला में नागॊं का उल्लॆख् करता हूं। श्रेणि Ex:  Bander the string of a bow, crossbow, or simply Bander a bow, a crossbow सनसूत्र Ex:  Breaking a string by breaking the stitches सन्नहन Ex:  Dancing on the string सन्नहन Ex:  Dancing on the string सरत् Ex:  NUT means yet in terms of Arts, Part spring crossbow where the string is stopped when it is stretched सिलसिला Ex:  Pull the string of hits उ:   यह सिलसिला रोमन क़ब्ज़े के दौरान भी जारी रहा था। सूचीसूत्र Ex:  string सूत्रतंतु Ex:  string सृंखला Ex:  string सेत्र Ex:  string स्ट्रिग Ex:  string स्रज्वा Ex:  string हेमसूत्र Ex:  string musical instrument, in the form of large violin, which is played by holding it between the legs
As verb : किसी वस्तु को रस्सी से बाँधना Ex:  Bill drew the taffy candy out into a long string .
Other : डोर Ex:  Major European orchestras generally use basses with a fifth string उ:   उस डोर में फ्रैंकलिन ने एक चाबी बाँध भी दी थी। डोरी लगाना Ex:  Some bassists with five string basses use a high "C" string as the fifth string डोरी Ex:  Because the bass is larger than other string instruments उ:   धनुष की डोरी बांस या अन्य वृक्षों के तंतुओं से बनी हो सकती थी। तंतु Ex:  In most programming languages, dividing a number by a string has no meaning. उ:   पुंमग में तंतु होते हैं, जिनके ऊपर परागकोष होते हैं। तांत लगाना Ex:  The Romans established a string of forts across what is now South Wales तांत Ex:  Greenwood has also arranged string orchestrations for Radiohead songs तार उतारना Ex:  Each function included a documentation string तार चढाना Ex:  Medieval music uses many plucked string instruments तार चढ़ाना Ex:  Abhinavagupta likens it to the string of a jeweled necklace नत्थी करना Ex:  A single string can be played pizzicato पंक्ति Ex:  Many believe the complete theory to be string theory उ:   सेल की बांई पंक्ति में उपर से नीचे १,२,३ बने होते हैं। पोढा करना Ex:  But after a string of Greek victories the Persians were forced to withdraw. पोढ़ा करना Ex:  Iranian physics is especially strong in string theory प्रत्यंचा Ex:  The server may collapse the value of a number of variables in a single string उ:   प्रत्यंचा खींचते समय धनुष की पीठ उत्तल और पेट अवतल होता है। बँधना Ex:  This ended his record string of Grand Slam final appearances at ten बंध Ex:  Eliot and a string of little magazines and small presses उ:   मध्य बंध अत्यंत सादा, मगर विशेष है। बंधना Ex:  Weinzierl, where the composer wrote his first string quartets. रज्जु Ex:  In cosmology and in string theory उ:   रज्जु कर्षण सेतु , सेतुओं का एक प्रकार होता है। सुतली Ex:  Small string stretched by its ends उ:   एक लेबल थैली के अन्दर डाल दें और दूसरा सुतली के साथ बाहर बांघ दें। सूत Ex:  string उ:   उबालने से सूत के अधिकांश अपद्रव्य निकल जाते हैं।
String ki paribhasha : rassi, taage, kapade aadi ki sahaayata se kisi padaarth ko bndhan men karana aisa samooh jisamen bahut si visheshataः ek hi ya ek hi prakaar ki vastuean ek doosare ke uparaant ek sidh men hon patng ya guddi udane ka maaanjhedaar taaga thode aksharon ya shabdon men kaha hua aisa pad ya vachan jo bahut arth prakat karata ho chaaandi ka ek aabhooshan jise striyaaan kamar men pahanati hain ek prakaar ka jaharila makad chhed ke sahaare soot taage aadi men phansaana sonaa, chaaandi taaanbaa, loha ityaadi, dhaatuon ka soot rui san ya isi prakaar ke aur reshon ke soota ya doron ke ek men batakar banaaya hua lnba khnd jisaka vyavahaar chijon ko baaandhane, kooean se paani khinchane aadi men hota hau mal ki batti jo utsarg ke samay bandh jaati hai
Usage of String in sentences

The word can be used as noun or verb in hindi and have more than one meaning. . 
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