Studded meaning in hindi
As verb : अचित Ex:  She has a diamond studded ring. अनुविद्ब Ex:  I have a garnet studded earring. उपसंस्कृत Ex:  Desert grasslands studded with Joshua trees एधित Ex:  decorations studded Chest गदाराना Ex:  Pierre studded ज्ञानगर्भ दुरेत निभृत परिमिलित पृक्त प्रपूर्ण भरा हुआ मेदुर विनिकीर्ण विरोपित व्याक्षिप्त संपृक्त संभृत समांस समाप्लुत सिंहाढ्य
Other : खचित Ex:  It is a superstition of astrology to attribute virtues to rings studded घना जडा हुआ Ex:  The heavens studded छितराया हुआ Ex:  Kind of Natural History polyp stony whose surface is studded with stars जड़ित
ExamplesUsage of Studded in sentences
The word can be used as noun or verb in hindi and have more than one meaning.
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