Student meaning in hindi

How to pronounce Student
As noun : अक्षरमुख Ex:  a serious student of history
अध्येता Ex:  this student writes illegibly उ:   शास्त्रीजी अध्येता ही नहीं, कुशल चिकित्सक भी थे। छात्र Ex:  He is a student of Biology. उ:   मिथिलेश पढ़ने में एक औसत छात्र था। छात्रक Ex:  The student whispered in the class. छात्रा Ex:  He is a student of neo-science. उ:   उस समय वो एक छात्रा थीं। पारायणिक Ex:  Kircher was acknowledged as his era's greatest student of Ancient Egypt. मुतअल्लिम Ex:  Cornell had 901 registered student organizations. विद्यानुपाली Ex:  John's student selected croquet. विद्यानुसेवी Ex:  Plato was originally a student of Socrates विनेय Ex:  A student of Ludwig Wittgenstein शिक्षाग्राहक Ex:  When he was a student at Boston University शिष्यक Ex:  This comprises all professors of the IIT and student representatives. स्टुडेंट Ex:  Inexpensive, low-quality student bows are often made from fiberglass.
Other : तालिबइल्म Ex:  He is a student of neurology. पण्डित Ex:  I was a student of geography. उ:   नोट करें कि ज़्यादातर कश्मीरी पण्डित मांस खाते हैं। पाठक Ex:  The teacher rapped the student on the knuckles . उ:   श्री पाठक को एनर्जी ग्लोब पुरस्कार भी मिला। विद्यार्थी या छात्र Ex:  Michael Lesch was a medical student at Johns Hopkins Hospital विद्यार्थी Ex:  He then became a student of Udaka Ramaputta उ:   वहां एक विद्यार्थी ने एक प्लेट को फेंका। शिक्षार्थी Ex:  MSU has many student groups focused on political change. उ:   इसलिए शिक्षार्थी को परिश्रमी भी होना चाहिए। शिष्य Ex:  He also edited a student magazine. उ:   ये व्याकरणाचार्य पाणिनी के शिष्य थे।
Student ki paribhasha : gaud, saarasvata, sarayoopaarina, gujaraati aadi braahmanon ka ek upavarg chhataya naamak maghumakkhi jo kuchh pile aur kapil varn ki hoti hai
Usage of Student in sentences

The word can be used as noun in hindi and have more than one meaning. . 
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