Studied meaning in hindi

How to pronounce Studied
As verb : संचिंतित Ex:  In areas which had been studied
सुविचारित Ex:  Edward Jenner observed and studied Miss Sarah Nelmes
As adjective : आगमनीत Ex:  he studied the shapes of low-viscosity drops जानबूझकर किया हुआ Ex:  She studied zoology in the college. पठित Ex:  He replied with studied indifference. उ:   ये सारे लिखित शब्द ने अपने पठित पुस्तकों से लिखें है। सोचा समझा Ex:  Oxford where he studied Government.
Other : अध्ययन किया हुआ Ex:  he studied every facet of the question इच्छानुरूप Ex:  He studied climatology in the university. पूर् Ex:  I studied in a coed school. भली भांति विचारा या समझा हुआ Ex:  While there, he studied the uses of alternating current. विवेचित Ex:  As he studied these portions of the Bible सावधानी से परीक्षा किया हुआ Ex:  He studied for two years at the University of Pennsylvania सोचा―समझा Ex:  Socrates says that he studied with Cratylus
Studied ki paribhasha : sookshm ya uttam roop se vichaar kiya hua
Usage of Studied in sentences

The word can be used as verb or adjective in hindi and have more than one meaning. . 
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