Stunning meaning in hindi
As noun : अदृष्टपूर्व Ex:  Her performance was less than stunning .
अद्भुतदर्शन Ex:  This stunning victory restored the Danube frontier अश्रुतपूर्व Ex:  Its per capita income increased a stunning 21-fold over the last four decades ओघर Ex:  These bells are stunning विचत्र विलक्षण उ: संस्करण होते हुए भी एक विलक्षण कृति है। विलक्षन विसदृश
As verb : अजीब वो गरीब Ex:  The curtain rose to disclose a stunning set आश्चर्यजनक Ex:  It is a stunning new उ: हालाँकि इनमें से 'आह' की असफलता एक आश्चर्यजनक बात थी। कृतशोभ Ex:  Vol to my face, Flight is done by challenging and stunning people we want to strip बेहद सुंदर Ex:  , and signifies Porter in the head, stunning बेहोश कर देने वाला वपुष विस्मयंगम विस्मापक शानदार उ: धोनी ने शानदार पारी खेली । शानी हैरतअंगेंज
Other : आघात विभंजन Ex:  A new stunning आश्चर्यमय Ex:  It took him a stunning कान झल्लाने वाला Ex:  They are not quite recovered from their stunning
Stunning ki paribhasha : jisamen koi vishesh lakshan ya chihn na ho jo badi sajaavat aur taiyaari ke saath ho
ExamplesUsage of Stunning in sentences
The word can be used as noun or verb in hindi and have more than one meaning. .
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