Subordinate meaning in hindi

How to pronounce Subordinate
As noun : अधीन Ex:  The state's subordinate political units are its 62 counties. उ:   ए-किंग निक्माज़ के अधीन कार्य करता है।
अधीनस्थ करना Ex:  Though they remained subordinate to both the Crown and the Lords अभ्यघ्यीन Ex:  Another subordinate principle was "Five Races Under One Union" कलसार Ex:  Christians and Jews were given the subordinate status of dhimmi. गौण शब्द Ex:  A subordinate position गौण समझना Ex:  BAS also means, figuratively, which is lower, lesser, subordinate गौण Ex:  DO is used only in subordinate clauses when the main proposal is negative or interrogative उ:   तथा राजनीतिक मुद्दे गौण हो गए हैं। चरणगत Ex:  He also said the place where one might judge, in subordinate courts छोटा समझना Ex:  He also said, in terms of administration, the assessment made by its leader, the merit of a subordinate न्यग्भावित Ex:  I subordinate my agreement with the opinion that you give me बलिभृत Ex:  In most sentences ago a main proposal, to which are attached various proposals accessories, subordinate incident मातहत Ex:  In terms of theater, he thought of some subordinate characters in a tragedy or a comedy in which the main characters are or their confidences वशवर्ती Ex:  It is also used figuratively and means To subordinate विधेयवर्ती Ex:  It is often better to deal with than subordinate leaders शासनांतर्गत Ex:  It is only a junior, a mere subordinate
Other : अधीन बनाना Ex:  Sámr lives as Hrafnkell's subordinate for the rest of his days अधीन मनुष्य Ex:  Sakaibara and his subordinate अधीन व्यक्ति Ex:  All three of these publishing companies are subordinate to Author Services Inc. अधीनस्थ न्यायालय Ex:  Richard refused to be subordinate to his brother अधीनस्थ या मातहत Ex:  In a subordinate clause अप्रधान Ex:  Both of these governments were subordinate to the unelected अमुख्य Ex:  One word order is for a main and another for subordinate clauses. अवर Ex:  The subordinate characters of the novel exhibit equal truth and decision. उ:   पहले शो का नाम था अवर कॉस्मिक हेरिटेज। छोटा Ex:  He also told them subordinate Different classes that make up a state corporation उ:   मंदिर के पास ही जोतिबा का छोटा सा मंदिर भी है। ताबे Ex:  He said again, figuratively, of things that many others related or subordinate निचला Ex:  He said he was mainly speaking of some directors who were subordinate to the stewards of the provinces, and by extension, the District assigned to these administrators उ:   परागकोष का निचला भाग गोल होता है। नीचा Ex:  I have to be subordinate to the first in order, for I am in front mortgage वश करना Ex:  One of the men of moderate opinions, which in the early nineteenth century, stung to subordinate their political principles to a set of strict doctrines
Subordinate ki paribhasha : jo badai ya vistaar men kam ho jisake tal se usake aas paas ka tal ooancha ho kisi ki adhinata men kaam karanevaala
Usage of Subordinate in sentences

The word can be used as noun, verb or adjective in hindi and have more than one meaning. . 
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