Subsist meaning in hindi
As noun : गुज़ारा करना Ex: Goethe could not subsist on being one of the editors of a literary periodical .
As verb :
कायम होना Ex: Particles subsist at a particular location. जीतव Ex: Living in a small way, subsist barely जीबना Ex: subsist जीवित रहना Ex: The friendship can not subsist without the esteem नरिबाहना Ex: Though he has little good, he leaves no honestly subsist निर्वाह करना परिपारना बना रहना
Other : अवस्थित रहना Ex: We can barely subsist on this amount of money . खिलाना Ex: The majority of households subsist on farming or migrant labor जारी रहना Ex: KEEP also means subsist without change, without any alteration, remain in a state जीना Ex: plastering means figuratively Cover, hide something bad in appearances that can not long subsist उ: मनुष्य को अच्छाई से, अच्छाई द्वारा, अच्छाई के लिए जीना है। ठहरना Ex: These are the conditions under which a state can subsist निर्भर करना रहना उ: इन दिनों उन्हें विभिन्न परिस्थितियों में रहना पड़ा था। रोटी कपडा देना रोटी कपड़ा देना
Subsist ki paribhasha : vah vastu ya vyaapaar jisase jivan ka nirvaah ho pradhaan sattaarthak kriya van ka vah vibhaag jahaaan shera, chite aadi ke rahane ki maaanden hon
ExamplesUsage of Subsist in sentences
The word can be used as noun or verb in hindi and have more than one meaning. .
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