Such meaning in hindi

How to pronounce Such
As noun : इस तरह का Ex:  Teutonic peoples such as Germans and Scandinavians and British
As adverb :
अइस Ex:  don't do such thing. अस Ex:  Some consonants such as `p, `t, and `k are voiceless. उ:   कल्याण होये विश्व का, अस ज्ञान हमको दीजिये। आदिष्ट Ex:  unvoiced consonants such as `p and `k and `s इण Ex:  She has never heard such a rigmarole. उ:   इण बांठ रा फूलां नै फोगलो कैयीजै। इततक Ex:  I hate that man, he is such a squirt. इतना Ex:  he is such a baby उ:   इतना ही नहीं, बल्कि हरिजनों की सेवा इसी में है। इतिय Ex:  ramesh is such a bon vivant guy. इतेका Ex:  Dont be such a bore! इतो, इतौ Ex:  He is such a fidget. इत्तन Ex:  my friend is such a whizzkid. इत्थंभुत Ex:  Avoid going out in such prickly head. इत्थंविध Ex:  It made him to squirm when he saw her in such a condition. इस Ex:  Respirators are used by aviators at high altitudes.
Respiratory diseases such as bronchitis and asthma are very common in India.
उ:   इस राशि वाले जातक सुगठित शरीर के मालिक होते हैं ।
ईदृश Ex:  ramesh is such a ditz. एतक Ex:  The music is such that you cant help jigging. एसा Ex:  Dont be such a pig. उ:   राजा नें एसा ही कियाऔर सब बच गए। ऐसा ही Ex:  ramesh is such a fashionista. ऐसा Ex:  We have never heard such a twaddle. उ:   ऐसा वारिस जो उसे चलाकर और बड़ा कर सके । तद्रूप Ex:  She professes to be a know-all in all such matters. वैसा ही Ex:  ramesh is such a hog. संचोदित Ex:  He's such a figurehter . संशासित Ex:  You're such a pest, Sue .
Other : अइसन Ex:  Many such cases are reported everyday. इस प्रकार Ex:  He is such a milksop, he can not help you. ऎसा Ex:  He is the recogniser of such things. उ:   ऎसा ही स्नेह बनाये रखें। जैसा Ex:  ramesh is such a airheaded person. उ:   पर जैसा ग्रीस में हुआ, वैसा ही रोम में भी।
Such ki paribhasha : sarvanaam yah shabd ka vibhakti ke pahale aadisht roop jo samamaya, sthaan aadi ke anusaar samipasy prasng ke anusaar prastut aur ullekh ke anusaar kuchh hi pahale prayukt hota hain
Usage of Such in sentences

The word can be used as verb, adverb or adjective in hindi and have more than one meaning. . 
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