Suction meaning in hindi
As noun : खींच कर खाली करना Ex:  A strong suction
खींच कर निकालना Ex:  It is not usual in terms of Arts in suction pump, Sort of pump which raises the water by evacuation; as opposed to forcing-pump चूषण Ex:  Medicine Applying suction a patient उ: केंद्र से चूषण नल का ऊपरी सिरा जुड़ा होता है। चोखनि Ex:  scarified suction cups, Celles is applied then scarifying सक्शन Ex:  suction hose उ: इस कारण इसको सक्शन द्वारा सावधानी से निकाला जा सकता है।
Other : चुसाव Ex:  It should be put suction cups that fireplace to prevent smoking चोषण Ex:  scarified suction cups, scarification suction cups accompanied by
ExamplesUsage of Suction in sentences
The word can be used as noun in hindi and have more than one meaning.
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