Summarize meaning in hindi

How to pronounce Summarize
As verb :
सार प्रस्तुत करना Ex:  The moral of a book, Moral lesson comes off, or the few lines of prose or phrases that summarize the
Other : खुलासा कहना Ex:  The graphs used to summarize data can also be misleading. संक्षेप करना Ex:  Rolling Stone wrote in an attempt to summarize the album that "Drums संक्षेप में प्रकट करना Ex:  Here you are at last! Finally, I found you! It is also used at the end of a list and means to abbreviate, to summarize सार निकालना Ex:  The epilogue is to summarize the main points of a speech सारांश निकालना
Usage of Summarize in sentences

The word can be used as noun or verb in hindi and have more than one meaning. 
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