Sun meaning in hindi
As noun : अँशुमाली Ex: The seals were basking in the sun
अंबुतस्कर Ex: The ultra-violet rays of the sun are harmful. अंशुमंत Ex: Overexposure of the skin in the sun will damage the cells अगिर Ex: the sun shone through a rift in the clouds अग्निवल्लभ Ex: The sun in northern countries the sun sets much later in summer than in winter. अतुषारकर Ex: She put on a sun room अतुहिनकर Ex: The sun bleached the red shirt
Bleach the laundry अदितिसुत Ex: The sun rises in the east. अध्वंग Ex: The country is sweltering by the sun rays. अध्वपति Ex: its luminosity is measured relative to that of our sun अनूरुसारथी Ex: The sun disappeard behind the clouds.
He was behind by two points at the end of the match. अन्नपति Ex: I have a nice cut sleaves sun dress. अयुग्मवाद Ex: The sun radiates heat अयुग्मसप्ति Ex: The sun was bright and hot
Bright greens
Bright silver candlesticks अरविंदवंधु Ex: The ozone layer blocks some harmful rays which the sun emits अरुण Ex: Pull down the sun blind, its excensive heat. उ: अरुण स्वयं एक संगीतकार थे। अरुणकर Ex: People sit in the sun to get a good tan. अरुणकिरण Ex: the sun shone aslant into his face अरुणप्रिय Ex: Sign said"keep out. Do not enter."
She wore goggles to keep the sun out of her eyes. अरुणार्चि Ex: I can see sun setting behind the sea. अरुणासारथि Ex: She is suffering from sun stroke. अरुष Ex: Usually we can see Brazillians lying in the sun and taking sunbathe. अरूष Ex: rays...streaming perpetually from the sun अर्चिष्मान Ex: The sun sends out light essential for the existence of living beings. अवरव्रत Ex: paradoxically, ice ages seem to occur when the sun gets hotter अववोधक Ex: It is beautiful to see sun up at hill station. अवि Ex: The laundry dries in the sun अव्यक्तराग Ex: Standing in the hot sun for full two hours she was toasted completely. अशीतकर Ex: Who would love to rail over sun drenched mid teranion area. अहनाथ Ex: Its so difficult just to spend two minutes on sun baked beaches. आकाशपथिक Ex: Broil fish
The sun broils the valley in the summer आघृणि Ex: I had a white coloured sun hat but its torn now. आतपी Ex: The trees blocked the sun out . आदित्य Ex: The bright sun glared down on the desert rocks . उ: आदित्यों में इन्द्र सबसे पहले आदित्य हैं। आदिदेव Ex: The campers went to bed with the sun . आशावह Ex: The children had to go to bed with the sun . आशावह Ex: The children had to go to bed with the sun . उक्षा Ex: The sun melted away the ice . उदबोधक Ex: I want to retire to the sun belt . उरुक्रम Ex: The population of the sun belt is exploding . उष्णकर Ex: She turned over to get some sun on her back . उस्तरस्मि Ex: I turned on the lights when the sun went down . उस्र Ex: This is the largest cattle ranch under the sun . एकचक्र Ex: It represents the sun एकपात् Ex: There were twelve bedrooms and a huge glass-enclosed sun porch. ओकपति Ex: The wild sunflower typically does not turn toward the sun ओषधिगर्भ Ex: The winters in the mountains alternate with sun and snow क Ex: Hidetora's crest is the sun and moon उ: मराठी साहित्य भी समय की गति क साथ साथ आधुनिक हो चुका है। कप्याख्य Ex: Gustaf Dalén founded AGA, and received the Nobel Prize for his sun valve. कमलबंधु Ex: Opponents of sun cultivation say environmental problems such as deforestation कमलिनीकांत Ex: He is golden-haired like the sun कमलिनीबंधु Ex: Since it does not transit its sun करेनर Ex: The midnight sun would enable observations round the clock कालकृत् Ex: The sun is the ultimate source of essentially all heat in the climate system. कालिंदीसू Ex: The energy output of the sun किरणकेतु Ex: As with viewing the sun directly किरणपति Ex: The berries are dried in the sun or by machine for several days किरनकेतु Ex: As a result of alternating rain and the sun किरनाकर Ex: In warm climates this was mostly achieved by leaving food out in the sun कोकदेव Ex: It is within the photosphere that sun spots कोकबंधु Ex: This theme recurs in the line "a man on whom the sun has gone down" कोकबंधु Ex: This theme recurs in the line "a man on whom the sun has gone down" खगपति Ex: Canto CXIII opens with an image of the sun moving through the zodiac खतिलक Ex: The god was later imported and assimilated with the Roman sun god खमणि Ex: Graycliff is aligned with the setting sun on Lake Erie, as Wright intended. खमणि Ex: Graycliff is aligned with the setting sun on Lake Erie, as Wright intended. खररश्मि Ex: As soon as the sun sets खुरशोद Ex: The sun will certainly expand to envelop Earth's current orbit खुरशोद Ex: The sun will certainly expand to envelop Earth's current orbit गगनध्वज Ex: Heat from the sun evaporates water गगनविहारी Ex: It was dedicated to the sun god Svarog and called kolovrat, or swarzyca. गभस्तिकर Ex: With the setting of the sun गभस्तिकर Ex: With the setting of the sun गभस्तिपाणि Ex: Since exposure to the sun enhances natural human production of vitamin D गभस्तिमाली Ex: Three wide terraces were created, with centres to maximise the sun light . गभस्तिहस्त Ex: Ra-Herakhty had been a sun god गरुडाग्रज Ex: Amun becoming considered the hidden aspect of the sun गोकर Ex: In June the Northern Hemisphere is tilted towards the sun गोकर Ex: In June the Northern Hemisphere is tilted towards the sun गोपति Ex: The soul of man is the sun by which his body is illumined ग्रहग्रामणी Ex: Combining sun and moon makes bright ग्रहनायक Ex: Copernicus clearly separates "the sun ग्रहपति Ex: Copernicus refers to, "the motion of the sun and the moon. ग्रहपुष Ex: The most important factors are heating by the sun ग्रहराज Ex: The first rays of the sun saw Chandni lying on the ground . ग्रहीस Ex: The tail of a comet is always directed away from the sun . ग्रहेश Ex: A bright sun घर्मांशु Ex: A hot sun घस्र् Ex: A planet is in opposition to the sun when the earth is interposed between it and the sun घामनिधि Ex: A skin blackened by the sun घृणि Ex: A sun dairy, clean, nice fresh घृणि Ex: A sun dairy, clean, nice fresh घृणिनिधि Ex: Absolutely, the conjunction of the moon, the moon's meeting with the sun in the same point of चंडदीधिति Ex: Already the sun was over the horizon चंडरश्मि Ex: Area time the sun is below our horizon चक्रबंधु Ex: As the sun chase the shadows and hunt science error चक्रबांधव Ex: As the sun clears the other stars, and चित्रभानु Ex: As the sun dissipates the clouds and the truth चित्ररथ Ex: Astronomy point of the orbit of a planet is closest to the sun उ: उनके सैंकडों गण थे और चित्ररथ उनका प्रधान अधिपति था। छंदहस्तुभ Ex: Astronomy Who the center of the sun जगत्साक्षी Ex: Aurora ahead of the sunrise, the sun is ahead जगत्साक्षी Ex: Aurora ahead of the sunrise, the sun is ahead जनचक्षु Ex: big day, Daylight, when the sun is completely lifted; the day in places where nothing obscures, not weakens जातवेद Ex: By analogy, it means talking about the Dry Wind and sun ज्योतिष्मान् Ex: By analogy, The sun poudroie, The sun that shines fine dust suspended in the air ज्योतिस् Ex: Clarity, light as the sun when it is spread on the horizon, or that he is close ज्वालमाली Ex: Denying knowledge of the true side of the sky where the sun rises, compared with countries where there is तंत्रायी Ex: Determine the distance that there is sun to the earth तपु Ex: Duration of things, marked in certain periods, and especially by the apparent revolution of the sun तपु Ex: Duration of things, marked in certain periods, and especially by the apparent revolution of the sun तमोहपह Ex: GLOBAL is also a male name and means Mechanism representing the movement of the planets around the sun तावड़ियाँ Ex: Green Ray, coloration of a clear green that happens, by very clear weather, to where the sun has just disappeared on the horizon तिग्मकर Ex: He also said one of the signs of the zodiac mobile, the sun appears to travel from February 21 to March 20 and that once this constellation corresponded to तिग्मतेज Ex: His face is tanned in the sun तिग्मदोधिति Ex: Hunting sun dispels the shadows तिग्मद्युति, तिग्मभास Ex: I have the day, the sun in your eyes तिग्ममयूखमाली Ex: I have the day, the sun in your eyes तिग्मरश्मि Ex: If guided by the sun तिमिररिपु Ex: Image of the sun reflected on a portion of the halo तिमिररिपु Ex: Image of the sun reflected on a portion of the halo तीक्ष्णरश्मि Ex: In hot countries, we simply dry in the sun brick तीव्रकंठ Ex: In terms of Astronomy, daytime Arc, circle a portion sun travels on the horizon Night Arc, circle portion that runs below the horizon तीव्रद्युति Ex: In terms of Astronomy, descendants Signs, Signs of the zodiac in which the sun looks down from the summer solstice to the winter solstice तुर्कचीन Ex: In terms of Astronomy, it means the sun Description तुर्करोज Ex: In terms of Astronomy, it means Who is in line with the actual sun walking तुलाधर Ex: In terms of Astronomy, lower Planets, Planets, which, compared to land, are nearest the sun त्रयीतनु Ex: In terms of Astronomy, The parallelism of the axis of the earth, The property that the axis of the earth to remain substantially parallel to itself, in all points of the curve that describes the earth around the sun every year त्रिलोकनाथ Ex: In terms of gardening, he said in a too light and sun Earth and weak branches त्रिलोकमणि Ex: In terms of grammar, it means a name or words group affixed to a name or a pronoun, or the value of an adjective: King sun त्रैलोक्यबंधु Ex: in terms of Poetry, The chariot of the sun त्विट्पति Ex: in the face of the sun त्विषांपति Ex: In the language of writing, the sun of righteousness, God त्विषामोश Ex: It also means Blanch protected from air and sun to make it less bitter, talking Some vegetables दणयर, दणियर Ex: It also said Claies similar one puts on greenhouses to ensure the sun and weather दणयर, दणियर Ex: It also said Claies similar one puts on greenhouses to ensure the sun and weather दशरश्मिशत Ex: It also said the situation by report views, and various aspects of the sun दिणंद Ex: It also says a Big canvas that tends on a boat or in front of a shop to ensure the sun or rain दिनकर Ex: It also says the real or apparent movement of the sun and other stars उ: दिनकर और नेपाली के काव्य विस्मृत किये जा रहे हैं। दिनकर्ता Ex: It also tells of her who precedes the rising of the sun and more commonly called AURORA DAWN or दिनकृत् Ex: It froze that night if the sun comes to give now, he will roast all the buds, flowers all दिनज्योति Ex: It has just see new spots in the sun on the sun दिनदीप Ex: It is roasting in the sun दिनदेव Ex: It is said in A similar sense The sun gives him in the eye दिनदेव Ex: It is said in A similar sense The sun gives him in the eye दिननाथ Ex: It is used as a name for the East, in relation to the place where one is, the part of the horizon where the sun rises दिनपति Ex: It is used mainly as a female name and means plan the apparent orbit of the sun around the earth in which occur all the eclipses of the sun and moon दिनपाल Ex: It is, strictly, speaking of the Day is added to four years in four years, in the month of February so that the way of counting frame more accurately with the course of the sun दिनप्रणी Ex: It said, in terms of Astronomy, the apparent distance of the planets from the sun दिनबंधु Ex: It says specifically in terms of Astronomy, the Moon, when half of its disk it turns to the earth is only half lit by the sun दिनमणि Ex: It specifically means in terms of Astronomy, state of the moon when only half of its disk is illuminated sun दिनमणि Ex: It specifically means in terms of Astronomy, state of the moon when only half of its disk is illuminated sun दिनमयूख Ex: macula, in terms of Astronomy, said of a dark spot observed on the disk of the sun दिनरत्न Ex: Midi true, the time when the sun actually passes the meridian दिनराज Ex: of both genders who regard the sun, which report sun दिनराव Ex: On the beach, sun and sea air were quick to tan faces दिनिअर Ex: One of the four cardinal points which is the side where the sun sets दिनियर Ex: Planetary Year, Time employs a planet to its revolution around the sun दिमंकर Ex: Poetically, the star of the day, the sun दिवकार Ex: Poetically, the sun was in the middle of its course, the night was in the middle of its course दिवकार Ex: Poetically, the sun was in the middle of its course, the night was in the middle of its course दिवसकर Ex: Portable Shelter, similar to the umbrella, which extends above his head to ensure the sun दिवसकर Ex: Portable Shelter, similar to the umbrella, which extends above his head to ensure the sun दिवसपुष्ट Ex: remove yourself from my sun दिवसपुष्ट Ex: remove yourself from my sun दिवसमणि Ex: Set a timer, set the hour by the sun दिवसेश्वर Ex: Solar Day, time between two passages of the sun across the meridian दिवापुष्ट Ex: star that moves around the sun and it borrows its light दिवामणि Ex: state of the atmosphere where the action of air combined with that of the sun is harmful to human skin, the flesh of animals and plants दिवावसु Ex: sun House दीपेश Ex: sun protuberances The दीप्तकिरण Ex: sun travels across the Zodiac in one year दुतिवान Ex: Sunburn, Effects and disorders various products by exposure to too hot sun दूहोहण Ex: Sunburn, violent and sometimes fatal impression that the sun in fact some circumstances on those who are exposed to it दृन्फू Ex: Take height the sun, Observe with an instrument, mainly noon, the elevation of the sun above the horizon देवमणि Ex: Take the height of the sun, or simply take up , Observe with an instrument the angular height of the sun on the horizon देहकर्ता Ex: The atmosphere of the sun देहभुज् Ex: The clouds the sun offended, offended the day द्युपति Ex: The clouds were colored by the setting sun द्युमणि Ex: The course of the sun द्युवन् Ex: The daily progress of the sun धर्मांशु Ex: The darkening of the landscape when the sun goes down on the horizon धामकेशी Ex: The dawn announces the sun धुप्पु Ex: The diameter of the earth, the sun धूप में बैठना Ex: The disc of the sun धूप में रखना Ex: The earth is small in relation to the sun धूप सेंकना Ex: The earth is very small relative to the sun धूप Ex: The earth revolves around the sun उ: यहाँ धूप अपेक्षाकृत अधिक होती है। ध्वांतशत्रु Ex: The earth revolves around the sun नभःपांथ Ex: The east is the side where the sun rises and West is the opposite नभस्मय Ex: The first four seasons of the year, which begins around March 20, when the declination of the sun becomes boreal पंचरश्मि Ex: The forerunner of the sun पचत Ex: The fruits are colored slowly in the sun पद्मकर Ex: The heat of the sun पद्मगर्भ Ex: The heat of the sun burns the plants पद्मपाणि Ex: the horses of the sun पद्मलांछन Ex: The hot summer sun has matured faster grapes पपेरीक Ex: The inconvenience of wind, sun , noise पार्थिवनंदन Ex: The interposition of moon between earth and sun पार्थिवपुत्र Ex: The interposition of the earth between the sun and the moon पार्थिवसुत Ex: The interposition of the moon between the sun and earth पार्थिवात्मज Ex: The light is a necessary effect of the sun पेयु Ex: The light that the sun sends us पेरु Ex: The moon borrows its light from the sun ; It shines a light spot of its own, it receives from the sun प्रकाशकर्ता Ex: The moon receives its light from the sun प्रतिदिवा Ex: The moon receives its light from the sun प्रतिदिवा Ex: The moon receives its light from the sun प्रभाकर Ex: The motto of Louis XIV was a sun that illuminates a world with these words: NEC PLURIBUS IMPAR उ: प्रभाकर ने अन्विताभिधान का समर्थन किया है। प्रुष्व Ex: The movement of the sun around its axis बिंबिका Ex: The mud hardens in the sun बृहद्भानु Ex: The one cardinal point which is the side where the sun sets भाकोश, भाकोष Ex: The orbit describes a planet around the sun in its movement भानु Ex: The orbit of the Earth is an ellipse with the sun occupies a home भानुकेशर, भानुकेसर Ex: The people worshiped the sun भानुदेव Ex: The planets describe ellipses of which the sun occupies one Homes भानुमत् Ex: The progress of the sun in the ecliptic भानेमि Ex: The rays emitted by the sun भालु Ex: The redness of the sky when the sun sets or rises भास्कर Ex: The revolution of the earth around the sun उ: भास्कर वर्मन राजा हर्षवर्धन का साथी था। भास्वत् Ex: The rising sun भूताक्ष Ex: The Romans covered their head with a piece of their togas were bothered when the sun or rain मंहासारथि Ex: The route of the sun मार्तंड Ex: The Saros Chaldeans is the period of about nineteen years, after which eclipses of sun and moon breed in the same order उ: मार्तंड सूर्य मंदिर सूर्य देवता के लिए मंदिर है। मार्तण्ड Ex: The setting sun उ: वह मार्तण्ड विश्वकल्याण के लिये अन्तरिक्ष में गतमान् है। मिहिर Ex: The setting sun reddened the sky of its last rays उ: मिहिर भोज का सबसे आम नाम भोज है। मृतमंडा Ex: The shadows lengthen when the sun approaches the setting रवि Ex: The sometimes eclipse moon sun उ: यह रवि से आया है जिसका अर्थ सूर्य होता है। रश्मिमाली Ex: The sun affects the planets रश्मिमुच Ex: The sun alter colors रात्रिद्विष Ex: The sun animates nature रात्रिनाशन Ex: The sun beaming down रानापति Ex: The sun beats lead into this place on our heads, etc रुचिधाम Ex: The sun begins, ends his career रूसियाह Ex: The sun breaks through the clouds रोहित Ex: The sun breaks through the clouds, the sun's rays pass through the clouds उ: वह रोहित के साथ मिलकर काम करने की कोशिश करती है। रोहित् Ex: The sun burned his skin ललाटंतप Ex: The sun burned the entire campaign लोकचक्षु Ex: The sun came out , hid लोकप्रकाशन Ex: The sun colors the fruit stains flowers लोकबंधु Ex: The sun comes over the horizon लोकलोचन Ex: The sun communicates its light to the whole world वह्निगंध Ex: The sun dazzles the eyes, dazzles us वासरकृत् Ex: The sun disappeared behind the clouds वासराधीश Ex: The sun dissipates the clouds विध्र Ex: The sun dissipates the clouds, mist, darkness विनतासूनु Ex: The sun dries the grasslands वियन्मणि Ex: The sun enters Aquarius on the 20th January वियन्मध्यहंस Ex: The sun enters Gemini in May विश्वचक्षु Ex: The sun gives lead, It darts its rays lead to विश्वज्योति Ex: The sun gives life to the plants through its heat विश्वपा Ex: The sun gives light to the world विश्वप्रकाशक Ex: The sun glows वृषाकपि Ex: The sun Grilled vines, herbs वृहदभानु Ex: The sun has faded the color of the objects वेघ Ex: The sun hides in the air, out of the breast wave वेदमूर्ति Ex: The sun is at the end of his journey वेदवाहन Ex: The sun is bright वेदात्मा Ex: The sun is burning वेदोदय Ex: The sun is burning today व्योमत्न Ex: The sun is high, the Sun is the subject, and Grand is the शम्श Ex: The sun is hot today शम्श Ex: The sun is hot today शिक्ष Ex: The sun is not shown today उ: शिक्ष एवं दीक्षागुरु भी थे। शुंध्यु Ex: The sun is setting, it disappears for us शुभ्रि Ex: The sun is still high, the sunset is still far शुष्ण Ex: The sun is up शोचिष्केश Ex: The sun melted the snow शोषयित्नु Ex: The sun off all colors श्रीवास, श्रीवासक Ex: The sun offends my eyes सदागति Ex: The sun provides all its light सप्तसप्ति Ex: The sun pumps the water of the sea सर्वलोचन Ex: The sun rays are concentrated in the focus of a burning mirror सवभवोद्भव Ex: The sun reappears on the horizon सहरि Ex: The sun ripens everything सहसकर, सहसकिरन Ex: The sun rises in such a month at a certain hour सहसकर, सहसकिरन Ex: The sun rises in such a month at a certain hour सहस्त्रकर Ex: The sun rises, it appears above the horizon सहस्त्रगु Ex: The sun rises, starts to rise when says After the winter solstice, the days begin to grow सहस्त्रदीधिति Ex: The sun sheds light सहस्त्रपाद Ex: The sun shines सहस्त्रमरीचि Ex: The sun shines for everyone, it is the benefits that everyone has the right to enjoy सहस्त्ररश्मि Ex: The sun shines for everyone, it is the benefits that everyone has the right to enjoy सहस्त्रांक Ex: The sun shone full upon us सहस्त्रांशु Ex: The sun was darkened सहुरि Ex: The sun was in the sign of Virgo सायंमंडन Ex: The sun was not yet on the horizon सारंग,सारँग Ex: The sun was sinking on the horizon सार्क Ex: The sun yellow harvest उ: इसलिए इसे एक सार्क उपग्रह नहीं कहा जा सकता। सिह्ल, सिह्लक Ex: These people worshiped the sun सुकेत Ex: They had the sun in front उ: मांडियाली सुकेत में बोली जाती है जबकि बधाटी सोलन की ओर। सुरभानु Ex: This house looks at the rising sun, faces the rising sun सुरुज ‡ Ex: This said, particularly the regions which are, for us, the side where the sun rises, like Turkey, Persia, Asia Minor, Syria, etc सूरज Ex: Watch the sun staring Expose the sun उ: सूरज भवन के साथ ही किशन भवन है। सूरय Ex: West, part of the world which is the setting of the sun सूर्ज Ex: When the sun shines सूर्य Ex: White clay earth or red, kneaded, usually molded in the shape of more or less thick tile, and then dried in the sun or baked in the fire, which is used to build उ: सूर्य और चन्द्र की समान अवस्था हठयोग है। सूर्यतेज Ex: WORLD Together also means the celestial bodies which the sun is the center सूर्ययंज्ञ Ex: You could not see the sun only through the clouds, that through the fog सूर्यशोभा Ex: You're not staying healthy in this house, the sun gives no स्त्रहस्त्रकिरण Ex: , the bottom of the air is cold, Although the sun is shining, there was a feeling of cold स्वर्णभाक्, स्वर्णभाज् Ex: , the chariot of the sun स्वर्णरेता Ex: , The star of the day, the sun स्वर्मणि Ex: , The sun gilds the tops of mountains, trees He illuminates with its rays हंसदाहन Ex: d'Astronomie point of the orbit of a planet where it is at its greatest distance from the sun हरहंस Ex: Exposer linen in the sun to dry हरितहरि Ex: He tanned in the sun हरित् Ex: It is a time maid, There is neither rain nor sun हरिहय Ex: L'octant used at sea to take the height of the sun हर्मुट Ex: Observer the transit of Venus on the sun disk हिमद्रुट् Ex: The sun has faded the color हेममाली Ex: The sun ignites the air हेलि Ex: The sun spots उ: उसक़ी बडी बहन हेलि डफ़ भी एक गायिका है। हेलि Ex: The sun spots उ: उसक़ी बडी बहन हेलि डफ़ भी एक गायिका है। हेलिक हेलिक होरख्श
Bleach the laundry अदितिसुत Ex: The sun rises in the east. अध्वंग Ex: The country is sweltering by the sun rays. अध्वपति Ex: its luminosity is measured relative to that of our sun अनूरुसारथी Ex: The sun disappeard behind the clouds.
He was behind by two points at the end of the match. अन्नपति Ex: I have a nice cut sleaves sun dress. अयुग्मवाद Ex: The sun radiates heat अयुग्मसप्ति Ex: The sun was bright and hot
Bright greens
Bright silver candlesticks अरविंदवंधु Ex: The ozone layer blocks some harmful rays which the sun emits अरुण Ex: Pull down the sun blind, its excensive heat. उ: अरुण स्वयं एक संगीतकार थे। अरुणकर Ex: People sit in the sun to get a good tan. अरुणकिरण Ex: the sun shone aslant into his face अरुणप्रिय Ex: Sign said"keep out. Do not enter."
She wore goggles to keep the sun out of her eyes. अरुणार्चि Ex: I can see sun setting behind the sea. अरुणासारथि Ex: She is suffering from sun stroke. अरुष Ex: Usually we can see Brazillians lying in the sun and taking sunbathe. अरूष Ex: rays...streaming perpetually from the sun अर्चिष्मान Ex: The sun sends out light essential for the existence of living beings. अवरव्रत Ex: paradoxically, ice ages seem to occur when the sun gets hotter अववोधक Ex: It is beautiful to see sun up at hill station. अवि Ex: The laundry dries in the sun अव्यक्तराग Ex: Standing in the hot sun for full two hours she was toasted completely. अशीतकर Ex: Who would love to rail over sun drenched mid teranion area. अहनाथ Ex: Its so difficult just to spend two minutes on sun baked beaches. आकाशपथिक Ex: Broil fish
The sun broils the valley in the summer आघृणि Ex: I had a white coloured sun hat but its torn now. आतपी Ex: The trees blocked the sun out . आदित्य Ex: The bright sun glared down on the desert rocks . उ: आदित्यों में इन्द्र सबसे पहले आदित्य हैं। आदिदेव Ex: The campers went to bed with the sun . आशावह Ex: The children had to go to bed with the sun . आशावह Ex: The children had to go to bed with the sun . उक्षा Ex: The sun melted away the ice . उदबोधक Ex: I want to retire to the sun belt . उरुक्रम Ex: The population of the sun belt is exploding . उष्णकर Ex: She turned over to get some sun on her back . उस्तरस्मि Ex: I turned on the lights when the sun went down . उस्र Ex: This is the largest cattle ranch under the sun . एकचक्र Ex: It represents the sun एकपात् Ex: There were twelve bedrooms and a huge glass-enclosed sun porch. ओकपति Ex: The wild sunflower typically does not turn toward the sun ओषधिगर्भ Ex: The winters in the mountains alternate with sun and snow क Ex: Hidetora's crest is the sun and moon उ: मराठी साहित्य भी समय की गति क साथ साथ आधुनिक हो चुका है। कप्याख्य Ex: Gustaf Dalén founded AGA, and received the Nobel Prize for his sun valve. कमलबंधु Ex: Opponents of sun cultivation say environmental problems such as deforestation कमलिनीकांत Ex: He is golden-haired like the sun कमलिनीबंधु Ex: Since it does not transit its sun करेनर Ex: The midnight sun would enable observations round the clock कालकृत् Ex: The sun is the ultimate source of essentially all heat in the climate system. कालिंदीसू Ex: The energy output of the sun किरणकेतु Ex: As with viewing the sun directly किरणपति Ex: The berries are dried in the sun or by machine for several days किरनकेतु Ex: As a result of alternating rain and the sun किरनाकर Ex: In warm climates this was mostly achieved by leaving food out in the sun कोकदेव Ex: It is within the photosphere that sun spots कोकबंधु Ex: This theme recurs in the line "a man on whom the sun has gone down" कोकबंधु Ex: This theme recurs in the line "a man on whom the sun has gone down" खगपति Ex: Canto CXIII opens with an image of the sun moving through the zodiac खतिलक Ex: The god was later imported and assimilated with the Roman sun god खमणि Ex: Graycliff is aligned with the setting sun on Lake Erie, as Wright intended. खमणि Ex: Graycliff is aligned with the setting sun on Lake Erie, as Wright intended. खररश्मि Ex: As soon as the sun sets खुरशोद Ex: The sun will certainly expand to envelop Earth's current orbit खुरशोद Ex: The sun will certainly expand to envelop Earth's current orbit गगनध्वज Ex: Heat from the sun evaporates water गगनविहारी Ex: It was dedicated to the sun god Svarog and called kolovrat, or swarzyca. गभस्तिकर Ex: With the setting of the sun गभस्तिकर Ex: With the setting of the sun गभस्तिपाणि Ex: Since exposure to the sun enhances natural human production of vitamin D गभस्तिमाली Ex: Three wide terraces were created, with centres to maximise the sun light . गभस्तिहस्त Ex: Ra-Herakhty had been a sun god गरुडाग्रज Ex: Amun becoming considered the hidden aspect of the sun गोकर Ex: In June the Northern Hemisphere is tilted towards the sun गोकर Ex: In June the Northern Hemisphere is tilted towards the sun गोपति Ex: The soul of man is the sun by which his body is illumined ग्रहग्रामणी Ex: Combining sun and moon makes bright ग्रहनायक Ex: Copernicus clearly separates "the sun ग्रहपति Ex: Copernicus refers to, "the motion of the sun and the moon. ग्रहपुष Ex: The most important factors are heating by the sun ग्रहराज Ex: The first rays of the sun saw Chandni lying on the ground . ग्रहीस Ex: The tail of a comet is always directed away from the sun . ग्रहेश Ex: A bright sun घर्मांशु Ex: A hot sun घस्र् Ex: A planet is in opposition to the sun when the earth is interposed between it and the sun घामनिधि Ex: A skin blackened by the sun घृणि Ex: A sun dairy, clean, nice fresh घृणि Ex: A sun dairy, clean, nice fresh घृणिनिधि Ex: Absolutely, the conjunction of the moon, the moon's meeting with the sun in the same point of चंडदीधिति Ex: Already the sun was over the horizon चंडरश्मि Ex: Area time the sun is below our horizon चक्रबंधु Ex: As the sun chase the shadows and hunt science error चक्रबांधव Ex: As the sun clears the other stars, and चित्रभानु Ex: As the sun dissipates the clouds and the truth चित्ररथ Ex: Astronomy point of the orbit of a planet is closest to the sun उ: उनके सैंकडों गण थे और चित्ररथ उनका प्रधान अधिपति था। छंदहस्तुभ Ex: Astronomy Who the center of the sun जगत्साक्षी Ex: Aurora ahead of the sunrise, the sun is ahead जगत्साक्षी Ex: Aurora ahead of the sunrise, the sun is ahead जनचक्षु Ex: big day, Daylight, when the sun is completely lifted; the day in places where nothing obscures, not weakens जातवेद Ex: By analogy, it means talking about the Dry Wind and sun ज्योतिष्मान् Ex: By analogy, The sun poudroie, The sun that shines fine dust suspended in the air ज्योतिस् Ex: Clarity, light as the sun when it is spread on the horizon, or that he is close ज्वालमाली Ex: Denying knowledge of the true side of the sky where the sun rises, compared with countries where there is तंत्रायी Ex: Determine the distance that there is sun to the earth तपु Ex: Duration of things, marked in certain periods, and especially by the apparent revolution of the sun तपु Ex: Duration of things, marked in certain periods, and especially by the apparent revolution of the sun तमोहपह Ex: GLOBAL is also a male name and means Mechanism representing the movement of the planets around the sun तावड़ियाँ Ex: Green Ray, coloration of a clear green that happens, by very clear weather, to where the sun has just disappeared on the horizon तिग्मकर Ex: He also said one of the signs of the zodiac mobile, the sun appears to travel from February 21 to March 20 and that once this constellation corresponded to तिग्मतेज Ex: His face is tanned in the sun तिग्मदोधिति Ex: Hunting sun dispels the shadows तिग्मद्युति, तिग्मभास Ex: I have the day, the sun in your eyes तिग्ममयूखमाली Ex: I have the day, the sun in your eyes तिग्मरश्मि Ex: If guided by the sun तिमिररिपु Ex: Image of the sun reflected on a portion of the halo तिमिररिपु Ex: Image of the sun reflected on a portion of the halo तीक्ष्णरश्मि Ex: In hot countries, we simply dry in the sun brick तीव्रकंठ Ex: In terms of Astronomy, daytime Arc, circle a portion sun travels on the horizon Night Arc, circle portion that runs below the horizon तीव्रद्युति Ex: In terms of Astronomy, descendants Signs, Signs of the zodiac in which the sun looks down from the summer solstice to the winter solstice तुर्कचीन Ex: In terms of Astronomy, it means the sun Description तुर्करोज Ex: In terms of Astronomy, it means Who is in line with the actual sun walking तुलाधर Ex: In terms of Astronomy, lower Planets, Planets, which, compared to land, are nearest the sun त्रयीतनु Ex: In terms of Astronomy, The parallelism of the axis of the earth, The property that the axis of the earth to remain substantially parallel to itself, in all points of the curve that describes the earth around the sun every year त्रिलोकनाथ Ex: In terms of gardening, he said in a too light and sun Earth and weak branches त्रिलोकमणि Ex: In terms of grammar, it means a name or words group affixed to a name or a pronoun, or the value of an adjective: King sun त्रैलोक्यबंधु Ex: in terms of Poetry, The chariot of the sun त्विट्पति Ex: in the face of the sun त्विषांपति Ex: In the language of writing, the sun of righteousness, God त्विषामोश Ex: It also means Blanch protected from air and sun to make it less bitter, talking Some vegetables दणयर, दणियर Ex: It also said Claies similar one puts on greenhouses to ensure the sun and weather दणयर, दणियर Ex: It also said Claies similar one puts on greenhouses to ensure the sun and weather दशरश्मिशत Ex: It also said the situation by report views, and various aspects of the sun दिणंद Ex: It also says a Big canvas that tends on a boat or in front of a shop to ensure the sun or rain दिनकर Ex: It also says the real or apparent movement of the sun and other stars उ: दिनकर और नेपाली के काव्य विस्मृत किये जा रहे हैं। दिनकर्ता Ex: It also tells of her who precedes the rising of the sun and more commonly called AURORA DAWN or दिनकृत् Ex: It froze that night if the sun comes to give now, he will roast all the buds, flowers all दिनज्योति Ex: It has just see new spots in the sun on the sun दिनदीप Ex: It is roasting in the sun दिनदेव Ex: It is said in A similar sense The sun gives him in the eye दिनदेव Ex: It is said in A similar sense The sun gives him in the eye दिननाथ Ex: It is used as a name for the East, in relation to the place where one is, the part of the horizon where the sun rises दिनपति Ex: It is used mainly as a female name and means plan the apparent orbit of the sun around the earth in which occur all the eclipses of the sun and moon दिनपाल Ex: It is, strictly, speaking of the Day is added to four years in four years, in the month of February so that the way of counting frame more accurately with the course of the sun दिनप्रणी Ex: It said, in terms of Astronomy, the apparent distance of the planets from the sun दिनबंधु Ex: It says specifically in terms of Astronomy, the Moon, when half of its disk it turns to the earth is only half lit by the sun दिनमणि Ex: It specifically means in terms of Astronomy, state of the moon when only half of its disk is illuminated sun दिनमणि Ex: It specifically means in terms of Astronomy, state of the moon when only half of its disk is illuminated sun दिनमयूख Ex: macula, in terms of Astronomy, said of a dark spot observed on the disk of the sun दिनरत्न Ex: Midi true, the time when the sun actually passes the meridian दिनराज Ex: of both genders who regard the sun, which report sun दिनराव Ex: On the beach, sun and sea air were quick to tan faces दिनिअर Ex: One of the four cardinal points which is the side where the sun sets दिनियर Ex: Planetary Year, Time employs a planet to its revolution around the sun दिमंकर Ex: Poetically, the star of the day, the sun दिवकार Ex: Poetically, the sun was in the middle of its course, the night was in the middle of its course दिवकार Ex: Poetically, the sun was in the middle of its course, the night was in the middle of its course दिवसकर Ex: Portable Shelter, similar to the umbrella, which extends above his head to ensure the sun दिवसकर Ex: Portable Shelter, similar to the umbrella, which extends above his head to ensure the sun दिवसपुष्ट Ex: remove yourself from my sun दिवसपुष्ट Ex: remove yourself from my sun दिवसमणि Ex: Set a timer, set the hour by the sun दिवसेश्वर Ex: Solar Day, time between two passages of the sun across the meridian दिवापुष्ट Ex: star that moves around the sun and it borrows its light दिवामणि Ex: state of the atmosphere where the action of air combined with that of the sun is harmful to human skin, the flesh of animals and plants दिवावसु Ex: sun House दीपेश Ex: sun protuberances The दीप्तकिरण Ex: sun travels across the Zodiac in one year दुतिवान Ex: Sunburn, Effects and disorders various products by exposure to too hot sun दूहोहण Ex: Sunburn, violent and sometimes fatal impression that the sun in fact some circumstances on those who are exposed to it दृन्फू Ex: Take height the sun, Observe with an instrument, mainly noon, the elevation of the sun above the horizon देवमणि Ex: Take the height of the sun, or simply take up , Observe with an instrument the angular height of the sun on the horizon देहकर्ता Ex: The atmosphere of the sun देहभुज् Ex: The clouds the sun offended, offended the day द्युपति Ex: The clouds were colored by the setting sun द्युमणि Ex: The course of the sun द्युवन् Ex: The daily progress of the sun धर्मांशु Ex: The darkening of the landscape when the sun goes down on the horizon धामकेशी Ex: The dawn announces the sun धुप्पु Ex: The diameter of the earth, the sun धूप में बैठना Ex: The disc of the sun धूप में रखना Ex: The earth is small in relation to the sun धूप सेंकना Ex: The earth is very small relative to the sun धूप Ex: The earth revolves around the sun उ: यहाँ धूप अपेक्षाकृत अधिक होती है। ध्वांतशत्रु Ex: The earth revolves around the sun नभःपांथ Ex: The east is the side where the sun rises and West is the opposite नभस्मय Ex: The first four seasons of the year, which begins around March 20, when the declination of the sun becomes boreal पंचरश्मि Ex: The forerunner of the sun पचत Ex: The fruits are colored slowly in the sun पद्मकर Ex: The heat of the sun पद्मगर्भ Ex: The heat of the sun burns the plants पद्मपाणि Ex: the horses of the sun पद्मलांछन Ex: The hot summer sun has matured faster grapes पपेरीक Ex: The inconvenience of wind, sun , noise पार्थिवनंदन Ex: The interposition of moon between earth and sun पार्थिवपुत्र Ex: The interposition of the earth between the sun and the moon पार्थिवसुत Ex: The interposition of the moon between the sun and earth पार्थिवात्मज Ex: The light is a necessary effect of the sun पेयु Ex: The light that the sun sends us पेरु Ex: The moon borrows its light from the sun ; It shines a light spot of its own, it receives from the sun प्रकाशकर्ता Ex: The moon receives its light from the sun प्रतिदिवा Ex: The moon receives its light from the sun प्रतिदिवा Ex: The moon receives its light from the sun प्रभाकर Ex: The motto of Louis XIV was a sun that illuminates a world with these words: NEC PLURIBUS IMPAR उ: प्रभाकर ने अन्विताभिधान का समर्थन किया है। प्रुष्व Ex: The movement of the sun around its axis बिंबिका Ex: The mud hardens in the sun बृहद्भानु Ex: The one cardinal point which is the side where the sun sets भाकोश, भाकोष Ex: The orbit describes a planet around the sun in its movement भानु Ex: The orbit of the Earth is an ellipse with the sun occupies a home भानुकेशर, भानुकेसर Ex: The people worshiped the sun भानुदेव Ex: The planets describe ellipses of which the sun occupies one Homes भानुमत् Ex: The progress of the sun in the ecliptic भानेमि Ex: The rays emitted by the sun भालु Ex: The redness of the sky when the sun sets or rises भास्कर Ex: The revolution of the earth around the sun उ: भास्कर वर्मन राजा हर्षवर्धन का साथी था। भास्वत् Ex: The rising sun भूताक्ष Ex: The Romans covered their head with a piece of their togas were bothered when the sun or rain मंहासारथि Ex: The route of the sun मार्तंड Ex: The Saros Chaldeans is the period of about nineteen years, after which eclipses of sun and moon breed in the same order उ: मार्तंड सूर्य मंदिर सूर्य देवता के लिए मंदिर है। मार्तण्ड Ex: The setting sun उ: वह मार्तण्ड विश्वकल्याण के लिये अन्तरिक्ष में गतमान् है। मिहिर Ex: The setting sun reddened the sky of its last rays उ: मिहिर भोज का सबसे आम नाम भोज है। मृतमंडा Ex: The shadows lengthen when the sun approaches the setting रवि Ex: The sometimes eclipse moon sun उ: यह रवि से आया है जिसका अर्थ सूर्य होता है। रश्मिमाली Ex: The sun affects the planets रश्मिमुच Ex: The sun alter colors रात्रिद्विष Ex: The sun animates nature रात्रिनाशन Ex: The sun beaming down रानापति Ex: The sun beats lead into this place on our heads, etc रुचिधाम Ex: The sun begins, ends his career रूसियाह Ex: The sun breaks through the clouds रोहित Ex: The sun breaks through the clouds, the sun's rays pass through the clouds उ: वह रोहित के साथ मिलकर काम करने की कोशिश करती है। रोहित् Ex: The sun burned his skin ललाटंतप Ex: The sun burned the entire campaign लोकचक्षु Ex: The sun came out , hid लोकप्रकाशन Ex: The sun colors the fruit stains flowers लोकबंधु Ex: The sun comes over the horizon लोकलोचन Ex: The sun communicates its light to the whole world वह्निगंध Ex: The sun dazzles the eyes, dazzles us वासरकृत् Ex: The sun disappeared behind the clouds वासराधीश Ex: The sun dissipates the clouds विध्र Ex: The sun dissipates the clouds, mist, darkness विनतासूनु Ex: The sun dries the grasslands वियन्मणि Ex: The sun enters Aquarius on the 20th January वियन्मध्यहंस Ex: The sun enters Gemini in May विश्वचक्षु Ex: The sun gives lead, It darts its rays lead to विश्वज्योति Ex: The sun gives life to the plants through its heat विश्वपा Ex: The sun gives light to the world विश्वप्रकाशक Ex: The sun glows वृषाकपि Ex: The sun Grilled vines, herbs वृहदभानु Ex: The sun has faded the color of the objects वेघ Ex: The sun hides in the air, out of the breast wave वेदमूर्ति Ex: The sun is at the end of his journey वेदवाहन Ex: The sun is bright वेदात्मा Ex: The sun is burning वेदोदय Ex: The sun is burning today व्योमत्न Ex: The sun is high, the Sun is the subject, and Grand is the शम्श Ex: The sun is hot today शम्श Ex: The sun is hot today शिक्ष Ex: The sun is not shown today उ: शिक्ष एवं दीक्षागुरु भी थे। शुंध्यु Ex: The sun is setting, it disappears for us शुभ्रि Ex: The sun is still high, the sunset is still far शुष्ण Ex: The sun is up शोचिष्केश Ex: The sun melted the snow शोषयित्नु Ex: The sun off all colors श्रीवास, श्रीवासक Ex: The sun offends my eyes सदागति Ex: The sun provides all its light सप्तसप्ति Ex: The sun pumps the water of the sea सर्वलोचन Ex: The sun rays are concentrated in the focus of a burning mirror सवभवोद्भव Ex: The sun reappears on the horizon सहरि Ex: The sun ripens everything सहसकर, सहसकिरन Ex: The sun rises in such a month at a certain hour सहसकर, सहसकिरन Ex: The sun rises in such a month at a certain hour सहस्त्रकर Ex: The sun rises, it appears above the horizon सहस्त्रगु Ex: The sun rises, starts to rise when says After the winter solstice, the days begin to grow सहस्त्रदीधिति Ex: The sun sheds light सहस्त्रपाद Ex: The sun shines सहस्त्रमरीचि Ex: The sun shines for everyone, it is the benefits that everyone has the right to enjoy सहस्त्ररश्मि Ex: The sun shines for everyone, it is the benefits that everyone has the right to enjoy सहस्त्रांक Ex: The sun shone full upon us सहस्त्रांशु Ex: The sun was darkened सहुरि Ex: The sun was in the sign of Virgo सायंमंडन Ex: The sun was not yet on the horizon सारंग,सारँग Ex: The sun was sinking on the horizon सार्क Ex: The sun yellow harvest उ: इसलिए इसे एक सार्क उपग्रह नहीं कहा जा सकता। सिह्ल, सिह्लक Ex: These people worshiped the sun सुकेत Ex: They had the sun in front उ: मांडियाली सुकेत में बोली जाती है जबकि बधाटी सोलन की ओर। सुरभानु Ex: This house looks at the rising sun, faces the rising sun सुरुज ‡ Ex: This said, particularly the regions which are, for us, the side where the sun rises, like Turkey, Persia, Asia Minor, Syria, etc सूरज Ex: Watch the sun staring Expose the sun उ: सूरज भवन के साथ ही किशन भवन है। सूरय Ex: West, part of the world which is the setting of the sun सूर्ज Ex: When the sun shines सूर्य Ex: White clay earth or red, kneaded, usually molded in the shape of more or less thick tile, and then dried in the sun or baked in the fire, which is used to build उ: सूर्य और चन्द्र की समान अवस्था हठयोग है। सूर्यतेज Ex: WORLD Together also means the celestial bodies which the sun is the center सूर्ययंज्ञ Ex: You could not see the sun only through the clouds, that through the fog सूर्यशोभा Ex: You're not staying healthy in this house, the sun gives no स्त्रहस्त्रकिरण Ex: , the bottom of the air is cold, Although the sun is shining, there was a feeling of cold स्वर्णभाक्, स्वर्णभाज् Ex: , the chariot of the sun स्वर्णरेता Ex: , The star of the day, the sun स्वर्मणि Ex: , The sun gilds the tops of mountains, trees He illuminates with its rays हंसदाहन Ex: d'Astronomie point of the orbit of a planet where it is at its greatest distance from the sun हरहंस Ex: Exposer linen in the sun to dry हरितहरि Ex: He tanned in the sun हरित् Ex: It is a time maid, There is neither rain nor sun हरिहय Ex: L'octant used at sea to take the height of the sun हर्मुट Ex: Observer the transit of Venus on the sun disk हिमद्रुट् Ex: The sun has faded the color हेममाली Ex: The sun ignites the air हेलि Ex: The sun spots उ: उसक़ी बडी बहन हेलि डफ़ भी एक गायिका है। हेलि Ex: The sun spots उ: उसक़ी बडी बहन हेलि डफ़ भी एक गायिका है। हेलिक हेलिक होरख्श
Other : अरुणता Ex: The sun was beating down on us अरुनाई Ex: I have a pair of bright black sun glass. अर्क Ex: the sun set behind the brow of distant hills उ: अर्क मुख्यतया पशु तथा वनस्पति जगत् से व्युत्पन्न हैं। आतप Ex: The sun blazed down on the people on the beach . तरणि Ex: Graphical representation of the Venus transit on the disk of the sun धूप खाना Ex: The diameter of the sun is seen under a thirty-two minutes angle in winter and thirty one summer धूप दिखाना Ex: The disc of the sun नभोमणि Ex: The flowers of this plant are closed when the sun appears to पतंग Ex: The great wind, great sun fades the flowers उ: लड़के आज के दिन से पतंग उड़ाते हैं। विभाकर Ex: The sun eats the colors उ: आदि पुरूष निजवंश विभाकर । सविता Ex: The sun remained eclipsed for a time उ: वर्तमान में सविता कोविन्द भारत की प्रथम नागरिक है। सहस्रकर Ex: The sun was darkened सुर्य Ex: To ensure the sun उ: सुर्य से पृथ्वी की औसत दूरी को खगोलीय इकाई कहते हैं। सूर Ex: Used as a name, it means the place on the horizon where the sun seems to lie उ: "साहित्य लहरी' सूर की लिखी रचना मानी जाती है। हंस Ex: Absolument, The sun illuminates उ: हंस चैती, लाल बतख, गौरया, कोयल आदि।
Sun ki paribhasha : maarkndey puraan ke anusaar aathaven manvntar ke devagan ke ek devata inhonne siddhaantashiromani aadi jyotish ke grnth rache hain antariksh men prathvi, mngala, shani aadi grahon ke bich sabase bad jvalnt pind jisaki sab grah parikrama karate hain puraanaa- nusaar yah dharm va manu se byaahi thi aur isase bhaanu va aadity ka janm hua tha soory ka prakaash aur taap mahaabhaarat ke anusaar dhrataraashtr ke putr ka naam madaar madaar ka paudha lalaayi jo sndhya ke samay pashchim me dikhalaayi padti hai raaja harishchndr ke putr ka naam
ExamplesUsage of Sun in sentences
The word can be used as noun or verb in hindi and have more than one meaning. .
Word of the day