Superficially meaning in hindi

How to pronounce Superficially
As adverb : सतही तौर पर Ex:  of a substance into another attack, which superficially gnaws result of this action or
Other :
अल्पज्ञता से Ex:  he was superficially interested ऊपर Ex:  Gawain is wounded superficially in the neck by the Green Knight's axe. उ:   दीवारों के ऊपर यही बॉर्डर भी हैं। बाहर Ex:  “258 years before Alexander,” is only superficially precise, and thus debated. उ:   मठ के बाहर फोटोग्राफी की अनुमति है। बाहृ दृष्टि से Ex:  He does not know these things superficially
Usage of Superficially in sentences

The word can be used as noun in hindi and have more than one meaning. 
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