Supervision meaning in hindi

How to pronounce Supervision
As noun : आलक्षण Ex:  placed statutorily under the councils supervision
जबाबदेही Ex:  East Timor was placed under UN supervision and on May 20 2002 जिम्मेदारी Ex:  Lack of effective supervision उ:   इसकी देखभाल और सुरक्षा की जिम्मेदारी जलियांवाला बाग ट्रस्ट की है। तत्वावधान Ex:  "Junior" was largely entrusted with the supervision of the foundations. उ:   संयुक्त राष्ट्र के तत्वावधान के अंतर्गत युध्द-विराम की घोषणा की गई। ताकझाँक Ex:  The Parliament also has other powers of general supervision निरीक्षण Ex:  The Parthenon was built under the general supervision of the sculptor Phidias उ:   पहली समिति उद्योग शिल्पों का निरीक्षण करती थी। निरीखन Ex:  Under Jolly's supervision निरीछन Ex:  80s, and 90s, under the supervision of Howard V. Hong and Edna H. Hong. पर्यवेक्षण Ex:  There I served under the direct supervision of Howard Hunt उ:   संचार , पर्यवेक्षण का एक और पहलू है। पासबानो Ex:  The term supervision can be understood in two ways . मुताला Ex:  He exercises general supervision of different ministries . मुलाहजा Ex:  Formerly, Clergy who headed the school usually attached to the cathedral, and later was appointed to exercise supervision over the diocese schoolmasters मुशाहदा Ex:  He exercised supervision over all parts of the administration समवेक्षण Ex:  Put a child under the supervision of a tutor, a Governor
Other : अधिवीक्षण Ex:  the playground is the hub of parental supervision एहतमाम Ex:  Under the supervision of Charley Chase देखरेख Ex:  Under supervision of the ONUMOZ peacekeeping force of the United Nations उ:   उसकी ममत्वपूर्ण देखरेख कर उसे आश्वस्त करना चाहिए। निगरानी Ex:  Under Rubin's supervision उ:   उन्हें कड़ी निगरानी में कभी कभी बाहर भी निकलने दिया जाता था। भाल Ex:  be placed under the supervision of the high police उ:   भाल विशा सुलोचन देखत सुख पावँ नरनारी।
Usage of Supervision in sentences

The word can be used as noun in hindi and have more than one meaning. 
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