Supervisor meaning in hindi
As noun : अकाउंटेंट Ex:  He disobeyed his supervisor and was fired
अवेक्षक Ex:  A supervisor is checking the time-card. कार्यदर्शी Ex:  Don't keep your supervisor out in the cold . तत्धावधानक Ex:  By extension, it is used to describe a group of workers working together under the orders of a supervisor even दरोग़ा Ex:  City officer who was the safety supervisor of a neighborhood नाचिर Ex:  The supervisor of a study in a college निरीक्षक Ex:  You have to give them a good supervisor उ: इसलिए नियुक्ति पद निरीक्षक को प्रशिक्षित किया जाना चाहिए। पर्यवेक्षक उ: पर्यवेक्षक समय-समय पर इसे दर्ज करता है। संचालक प्रोगाम स्थायुक
Other : अधिवीक्षक Ex:  he always acts so deferentially around his supervisor अध्यक्ष Ex:  They must have a supervisor to keep them working properly. उ: उस समय वे जनसंघ के अध्यक्ष थे। देखभाल करने वाला Ex:  Employees of a printing company Imprimerie whose functions correspond to those of foreman or supervisor प्रबन्ध करनेवाला
Supervisor ki paribhasha : nirikshan karanevaala
ExamplesUsage of Supervisor in sentences
The word can be used as noun in hindi and have more than one meaning. .
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