Supporter meaning in hindi

How to pronounce Supporter
As noun : अनुकर Ex:  He is an uncritical supporter of the present govt.
असिस्टंट Ex:  He is a supporter of Industrialism. आहारदाता Ex:  De Klerk was a supporter of segregated universities इलास्टिक बंद Ex:  Fonda has been a longtime supporter of feminist causes उत्तसाधक Ex:  President Jefferson was an enthusiastic supporter of westward expansion गुप्तांग अवलंब Ex:  The Catholic Frenchman Balthasar Gérard was a supporter of Philip II दादरस Ex:  Thompson was an early supporter of McGovern परिगृहीता Ex:  Victoria was a strong supporter of the Irish. पीट पठिंगा Ex:  Ayn Rand was a prominent philosophical supporter of laissez-faire capitalism पुरस्कर्ता Ex:  Howard was an enthusiastic supporter of Hewson's economic program पुरस्कर्ता Ex:  Howard was an enthusiastic supporter of Hewson's economic program पृष्ठपोषक Ex:  Von Meck remained a fully dedicated supporter of Tchaikovsky and all his works. शिराकती Ex:  Du Bois was, nevertheless, a strong supporter of Pan-Africanism. समर्थक Ex:  Stewart was a lifelong supporter of Scouting. उ:   भगवान बुद्ध उस पद्धति के समर्थक नहीं थे। सहाइ Ex:  A supporter of free trade सहायक Ex:  figurisme supporter of उ:   खारुन नदी शिवनाथ नदी की प्रमुख सहायक नदी है। साहाय्यकर Ex:  It is also working and as the name denotes a supporter of a doctrine of this kind हस्तप्रद Ex:  It is used as a noun to mean supporter of Gallican church freedoms हिमायती Ex:  Make the partisan war, war supporter उ:   लास्की सिद्धांत से समाजवादी थे तथा प्राकृतिक अधिकारों के हिमायती थे।
Other : आधार Ex:  Ford was an outspoken supporter of the Equal Rights Amendment उ:   सबका आधार है हमारी आत्मा। आलंबन Ex:  As a Republican and avid supporter of Women's Suffrage ओरी Ex:  Maradona is also a supporter of Venezuelan President Hugo Chávez. टेकन Ex:  Another supporter of war तरफ़ Ex:  Hatshepsut's highest official and closest supporter दस्तगीर Ex:  Adams was also an active supporter of the Dian Fossey Gorilla Fund. पक्षधर Ex:  A lifelong civil rights activist and union supporter उ:   वे अल्पसंख्यकों के अधिकारों के पक्षधर थे। मदद Ex:  Armstrong, in fact, was a major financial supporter of Dr. उ:   हमले के बीच निर्दोषों के मदद की कोशिशें जारी हैं। रक्षक Ex:  Dion has also been a major supporter of the T.J. Martell Foundation उ:   दवा कंपनियों ने इस तकनीक से जीवन रक्षक दवाओं का उत्पादन किया है। वृत्ति Ex:  Later, he became involved in intrigue, as a supporter of Empress Dou. उ:   इसपर अभयनंदी की वृत्ति प्रसिद्ध है। सम्भालने वाला Ex:  He was a strong supporter of free trade and the free market system. सर Ex:  A supporter उ:   उस समय पूर्वी बंगाल के गर्वनर सर बामफिल्डे फुल्लर थे। सहयोग Ex:  A supporter of Arianism उ:   सहयोग हर आदमी की भावना होना चाहिए। सहाय Ex:  A wealthy supporter उ:   वहां जाकर मिथिलेश ने सहाय के हस्ताक्षर को हूबहू कॉपी किया। सहारा देनेवाला Ex:  It also says a supporter of the imperial political system हामी Ex:  It means, by extension, Who, whatever the event, is still a supporter of established power उ:   हामी भाषाओं मे विभक्तिसूचक प्रत्यय नहीं पाए जाते।
Supporter ki paribhasha : vah chhoti nadi jo kisi badi nadi men milati ho
Usage of Supporter in sentences

The word can be used as noun in hindi and have more than one meaning. . 
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