Surly meaning in hindi

How to pronounce Surly
As adjective : अंतस्तप्त Ex:  She has a surly nature.
आजुर्दा Ex:  A horse surly आमणदूमण Ex:  A surly man खिन्न Ex:  It is surly mood उ:   कामुकों ने संभोग करके मुझे पहले से ही खिन्न कर दिया है। गमजदा Ex:  surly Diamond, Diamond which can not raise polished in all its parts दरदवंद Ex:  This man is surly दुखारी Ex:  This woman is rude and surly पर्युत्सुक Ex:  , This is a bundle of thorns, no one knows where to take it, is said of someone who is surly and one does not know how to approach प्रविषण्ण बदमिजाज़ विमुद विषादित सनिर्वेद समायस्त
Other : उजड्द Ex:  It is said still to if a pear tart Sort surly and if the taste that it is difficult to swallow चिड़चिड़ा Ex:  surly monk Alleged ghost was feared that ignorance in the countryside तूफानी Ex:  This man is a surly monk, a surly real monk रुखा रूखा
Surly ki paribhasha : jisamen ghi, tel aadi chikane padaarth na pade hon jisaka chitt kisi padaarth se hat gaya ho sabha ya goshthi men baithane ke naakaabil thodi si baat par aprasann honevaala
Usage of Surly in sentences

The word can be used as noun or adjective in hindi and have more than one meaning. . 
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