Surreptitiously meaning in hindi

How to pronounce Surreptitiously
As noun : अंतःसरण Ex:  he was watching her surreptitiously as she waited in the hotel lobby
लुक छिप कर
As adverb : चोरी चोरी Ex:  , where instances of the number are both overtly and surreptitiously placed. नज़र बचा कर Ex:  It is, by extension, some things being done surreptitiously and illicitly
Other : चुपके से Ex:  One day, in the office, a woman surreptitiously hands him a note. चोरी से Ex:  In surreptitiously प्रच्द्दन्नरुप से Ex:  it got the decision surreptitiously
Usage of Surreptitiously in sentences

The word can be used as noun, verb or adverb in hindi and have more than one meaning. 
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