Surroundings meaning in hindi

How to pronounce Surroundings
As noun : उपविचार Ex:  Chickens will sometimes fly to explore their surroundings
कर्बोजवार Ex:  Technology has affected society and its surroundings in a number of ways. परिवेश Ex:  It is used as a masculine plural name for the surroundings of a place उ:   चीता का भोजन उसके परिवेश पर आधारित होता है। पास पड़ोस Ex:  It was by its surroundings we penetrated his secret प्रतिवेश Ex:  The surroundings of a place of war, a city, of a castle विधुमंडल Ex:  This man is ruled by his surroundings सदेश Ex:  you its surroundings सृदाकु
Other : आसपास Ex:  We can see oppulent surroundings at the hill view. उ:   झील के आसपास पैदल घूमना भी सुखद लगता है। घेराव Ex:  Lisbon and its heavily populated surroundings उ:   इन दंगो का मुख्य कारण स्वर्ण मंदिर पर सिक्खो का घेराव करना था। चारो ओर की वस्तुये Ex:  The beauty of rivers and their surroundings contributeds to tourist income. परिपार्श्व Ex:  The surroundings include everything other than the system . पासपडो़स Ex:  It was published in all the surroundings in public surroundings बाहरी दशा या परिस्थिति Ex:  The surroundings of the castle are beautiful
Surroundings ki paribhasha : kisi tal ke sab or ke baahari kinaare ghar ke saamane ya paas ka ghar
Usage of Surroundings in sentences

The word can be used as noun in hindi and have more than one meaning. . 
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