Survey meaning in hindi

How to pronounce Survey
As noun : अवलोकन करना Ex:  The survey report was that the fruits were not mature enough to be sold.
अवलोकन Ex:  A quick survey of the street showed that no one was about. उ:   आचार्य जी इन सब का अवलोकन करना चाहते थे। अविलोकन Ex:  a cross-cultural survey आलक्षण Ex:  The minister did an areal survey of the city. उद्गगम Ex:  the survey was carried out aerially उद्वोक्षण Ex:  We spent two weeks making a door-to-door survey . गौर से देखना Ex:  This economic survey involves all the various NGOs तकनापु Ex:  According to the survey तत्वावधान Ex:  One survey of participants in the 1996 Summer Olympic Games ताकझाँक Ex:  Another, more academic, survey found 68% support. तारनी Ex:  According to a survey दर्शाना Ex:  The article concluded: In the 2006 survey दृष्टिविक्षेप Ex:  The simplest survey technique is surface survey. नक्शा Ex:  According to the same survey उ:   लेखकों को भी एक बड़े डेटा प्रौद्योगिकी नक्शा है। निरीक्षण करना Ex:  Light's survey was completed in this period निरीक्षण Ex:  1961. According to a 2004-2005 survey by the Ministry of Health उ:   सूची को लिखें और निरीक्षण मुलाकात के लिए अपने साथ किसी को ले जायें। निरीखन Ex:  According to a 2001 survey निरीछन Ex:  According to a 2008 survey by the Pew Forum on Religion and Public Life पर्यवलोकन Ex:  This economic survey involves all the various NGOs पर्यावलोकन करना Ex:  In a private survey conducted in 2001 पासबानो Ex:  Freedom House's annual survey of political rights and civil liberties पेखनापु Ex:  In an August 2007 survey of 38,500 visitors on DesktopLinux. भूमापन करना Ex:  He organized a detailed study and survey of the villages माडल Ex:  The 2006 edition of the survey ranked Louisville eighth. मुताला Ex:  According to the same survey मुलाहजा Ex:  In a survey by Northern Ireland Life and Times मुशाहदा Ex:  According to the China Science Exploration Association survey समवेक्षण Ex:  In its last published survey in 1995 सर्वेक्षण Ex:  According to a survey made by Kodak in 2007 उ:   ज़रीब सर्वेक्षण में इसी का नाप किया जाता है।
As verb : सर्वेक्षण करना Ex:  A survey conducted in 2005 reported that there were 13 wolf packs
Other : चारो ओर देखना Ex:  In a 2003 European-wide survey by the BBC जाँचना या निरीक्षण करना Ex:  The IHO readdressed the question in a survey in 2000. Of the 68 member nations देख Ex:  Surface survey may also include mini-excavation techniques such as augers उ:   आप इस मंदिर को मसुदन स्टेशन से देख सकते हैं। देखना Ex:  Aerial survey is conducted using cameras attached to airplanes उ:   नाटक आख्यायिक दर्शन नाटक आदि देखना भी व्यक्ति की एक विशेषता है। नकशा Ex:  According to a survey for the period 1998–2000 compiled by the United Nations नाप Ex:  One recent academic survey that does attempt this उ:   सफलता प्रामाणिक नाप के अवयवों और ब्यारों से मिली। नापना Ex:  In a 1976 census survey conducted in Brazil निरखना Ex:  According to a 2006 survey पडताल Ex:  The Beagle survey took five years, two-thirds of which Darwin spent on land. पैमाइश करना Ex:  In the 2005 Morgan Quitno survey भूमिति Ex:  According to a survey given to all NBA teams भूमीक्षण Ex:  In a 2005 survey on spending potential मापन Ex:  Jupiter Research published the results of a survey उ:   इसके लिये मापन जरूरी है।
Survey ki paribhasha : kisi vastu ka vistaar is prakaar nirdhaarit karana ki vah ek niyat vistaar ka kitana guna hai kisi vastu ka vistaar jisaka nirdhaaran is prakaar kiya jaay ki vah ek nirdisht vistaar ka kitana guna hai kisi vastu ke astitv ya usake roopa, rng aadi ka gyaan netron dvaara praapt karana chhadashaastraanusaar ek gan ka naam jisake aadi ka varn guru aur shesh do laghu? hote hain rekhaaon dbaara aakaar aadi ka nirdesh
Usage of Survey in sentences

The word can be used as noun or verb in hindi and have more than one meaning. . 
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